飛天小女警--The Powerpuff Girls Movie


6.5 / 11,074人    73分鐘

導演: Craig McCracken
編劇: Craig McCracken Charlie Bean
演員: Cathy Cavadini 泰拉斯壯 伊麗莎白戴利 Tom Kenny (Ⅰ)


2017-06-10 21:34:37

The powderpuff girls

The power puff girls is a lovely cartoon movie . I do like them all but prefer " Mao Mao" who had short black hair and positive ,straight personality and easy to be a little angry :) as me as her too much . I like their papa as well who is gentle warm kind man as My dream one . Lovely cute girls ! It's worthy to spend 1.5 hours for watching n getting fun !
