

2017-05-03 05:48:03

buy a lesson

1.Mike:This jungle will test you.It will hold you up,weigh you,and decide your worth within an ounce. 2.Wells:The last card you turn over is the only one that matters. 3.Mike:Finding gold,it's so difficult to put into words.It's really difficult.You taste it to beat your tounge.You feel it between your fingers.It's electric.電擊般的感覺.It'e like a drug.Cause it hooks you.It's precisely what you're missing in the city.It makes so hard to us to make this conversation.You have never felt it. 4.Wells:Yes.It was a genious move. 5.Wells:I've never really cared about money.I care about gold.It's different,Jennins. 6.Mike:I got stacked.I got lucky. 7.Wells:Balls on my ass.Scrampling.瞎折騰.Not excatly in charge of waters but,I was in deep.陷得很深.
