復仇者聯盟3:無限之戰 Avengers: Infinity War

复仇者联盟3:无限战争/ 复联3 / 复仇者联盟:无限之战(台) / 复仇者联盟3:无尽之战 /复联

8.4 / 1,198,303人    149分鐘

導演: 安東尼羅索 喬羅素
演員: 史嘉蕾喬韓森 伊莉莎白歐森 克里斯普瑞特 柔伊莎達娜 班尼迪克康柏拜區 克里斯伊凡 湯姆霍蘭德 小勞勃道尼


2017-03-09 02:18:16

Mavel pictures confuse me

What these Mavel pictures tell you is: whatever doesn't kill you makes you stronger. What if it did kill you? Then it says otherwise. I.e. What makes you stronger kills you. So you cannot ever reach an answer since the substance is established as a loop. And the movie goes on and on. The cast must have loved to see the audience struggle. Such is what a serious business is like.
