我不是你的黑鬼 I Am Not Your Negro


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導演: 拉烏爾佩克
編劇: James Baldwin 拉烏爾佩克
演員: 山繆傑克森


2017-03-05 16:45:51

Taken Notes

1. It is a duty not a right. (Sitting down on a segregated bus)
2. If I was Irish, Jewish, Polish, my hero would be your heroes too. And you would mourn and hurt just as much when we lose them.
3. (Sth like, they dont know and they don't want to know) I know more about you than more you know about me.
4. Nothing can be changed until it's faced.
5. We carry our history with us. We are our history.
6. white is a metaphor for power.

上學期上gender sex and power 的課的時候 從來沒有很深的思考『』power』 的部份
Now im thinkin

走出電影院的時候片尾的rap的憤怒和自我調侃 走在前面的白人夫婦 看著感覺uncomfortable 但是非常好的事情是 不只是美國黑人來看這個紀錄片   舉報