天才無限家 The Man Who Knew Infinity


7.2 / 47,059人    108分鐘

導演: 麥特布朗
編劇: 麥特布朗 羅伯特坎尼格爾
演員: 戴夫帕托 傑瑞米艾朗 陶比瓊斯 Devika Bhise


2017-03-05 01:25:22

The man who knew infinity

We spend all our lives to discover the purely perfect forms. These purely perfections are not invented by us. They are always there, awaiting the great minds to discover them. Perfect forms are so fascinating. Will there be perfect forms in human languages? Is it even possible that I am gonna make some sort of contribution to generative linguistics? to discover the beauty of language forms? Is it even possible that I may study linguistics in Cambridge someday? Is this too far away from me? I have no idea. Littlewood said the greatest knowledge often comes from the humblest origin. So be curious and humble and learn more. Maybe there is infinity waiting me out there.
