樂來越愛你 La La Land


8 / 674,820人    128分鐘

導演: 達米恩查澤雷
編劇: 達米恩查澤雷
演員: 雷恩葛斯林 艾瑪史東 Amiee Conn Terry Walters Thom Shelton


2017-02-24 02:23:19

ideal and love

In the first begining,I heard this movie all about it's already got a lot of prizes. So when the movie showing on the domestic, I went to the cinema to watch it. This movie is a musical film,and I don't felt it's been very well accepted by the domestic mass. Well, at least I can't appreciate the beauty of the movie completely. In the two hours, there has two impressing scenes. One is they dacing in the planetarium sky as I see in the start of this year's Golden Globe Awards, it's just so romatic and make me felt falling in love. Another is the end, their happiness and all good if they didn't break up just make me so sad. But there is no if.
