屍控奇幻旅程 Swiss Army Man


6.9 / 133,917人    97分鐘

導演: Dan Kwan Daniel Scheinert
編劇: Dan Kwan Daniel Scheinert
演員: 瑪麗伊莉莎白文斯蒂德 丹尼爾雷德克里夫 保羅迪諾


2016-12-21 22:13:22



"But now that I've seen her, I can't get her out of my head, and I don't know if that's a thing that happens or if I'm just weird, but something tells me she is the one I'm supposed to bump into and spend the rest of my life with."

"But maybe everyone's a little bit ugly. Yeah, maybe we're all just ugly, dying sacks of shit, and maybe all it'll take is one person to just be okay with that, and then the whole world will be dancing and singing and farting, and everyone will feel a little bit less alone."
