鋼鐵英雄 Hacksaw Ridge


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導演: 梅爾吉勃遜
編劇: 安德魯奈特 羅伯特申坎
演員: 泰瑞莎帕瑪 安德魯加菲 山姆沃辛頓 路克布萊西


2016-12-10 16:46:25




    "I felt like it was an honor to serve God and country," Desmond said. "We were fightin' for our religious liberty and freedom."

    he refused to carry a weapon because of his personal and religious beliefs as a Seventh-day Adventist
     I wanna be like Christ go savin' life instead of takin' life and that's the reason I take up medicine."
    Desmond believed that his father would've killed his uncle (his mother's brother) if his mother hadn't stepped in. Desmond vowed that would be the last time he ever touched a gun.

    Yes. "He was always helpful to people," said his brother Harold
    Instead, Desmond took after his mother, Bertha Doss, who taught him about compassion, helping others, and the importance of following Christ.
    His sister Audrey recalled a time when they were young and Desmond went the extra mile to help victims of an accident.

    Dorothy Schutte was not a nurse when she met Desmond. She didn't get her nursing degree until years later, after the war, when she needed to help support their family. Desmond's injuries and disabilities from the war left him unable to have a full-time job.

    The Hacksaw Ridge true story reveals that Desmond Doss married Dorothy Schutte on August 17, 1942, before going on active duty.

7、因為拒服兵役而被送往conscientious objectors camp?
    Yes, but he tried to explain to the army that he still wanted to be in the military and do his part, just without having to kill.
    通過不斷解釋,最終留在了軍隊,但他仍然是conscientious objector。

    "You know, he'd say his prayers at night and everything, and some guys took their shoes and threw shoes at him and threw things at him, made fun of him right out in the open,"
    After a month of being in the infantry, the army decided to grant him his wish and transferred him back to the medical corps.

    Yes. As a Seventh-day Adventist, he believed in an adherence to the Fourth Commandment, which says to keep the Sabbath day holy. This meant from sundown Friday until sundown Saturday, he devoted himself to prayer.

10、Jack Glover(薩姆沃辛頓飾演的角色)希望戴斯蒙德·道斯離開營隊?
     "and I suggested that, in my opinion, Doss should be transferred." It should be noted that after later fighting alongside Desmond, Jack Glover's opinion of him changed entirely. "
    是的,不過在一起並肩作戰之後,Jack Glover改變了對他的看法,想不到他最後還救了Jack Glover一命。

    Yes, as his officers grew less tolerant of his refusal to bear arms or work on Saturdays, they convened a meeting to discharge him on a Section 8 for mental instability.
    ' To me, I feel I'd be a very poor Christian to accept a Section 8 off my religion." Desmond told Colonel Cooney he would be just as good of a soldier as him. The officers relented and knew 華盛頓 would never approve a Section 8 solely on religious grounds.

    Yes, but things didn't escalate as far as they do in the movie. While training in the U.S., an officer by the name of Capt. Cunningham got into an argument with Desmond and told him only those men who participated in rifle training were allowed passes to go into town.
    沒有電影裡那麼嚴重。Capt. Cunningham威脅把他送上軍事法庭,但被另一名長官制止了。不過後來Capt. Cunningham沒有批准他回家探親的休假。

    his father contacted the chairman of the church's War Service Commission in 華盛頓, Carlyle B. Haynes. The chairman made a call to the regimental commander, Colonel Stephen S. Hamilton, asking if it was necessary for him to come investigate the situation with Desmond Doss.

    Yes. "When the train pulled out, I waved goodbye to her, and I tell you, it leaves you a very low feeling, knowing you may have seen your wife for the last time," recalled Desmond.
    It seems likely that this is true, at least according to the stories told by some of his comrades who found an American bandage on an enemy soldier. "I don't know how bad the man was hit," said a fellow soldier, "but there was one found with a bandage on his arm, an American bandage."

    A fact-check of the Hacksaw Ridge movie supports that the United States invaded the island of Okinawa in order to use the island as an air base for an invasion of mainland Japan

    Okinawa's Maeda Escarpment is an approximately 350-foot high ridge that runs across most of the island of Okinawa. "The Japanese had been there for years," said the real Desmond Doss. "They had that mountain honeycombed and camouflaged, it looked like natural terrain. That's what we had to face."

    Yes, and medic Desmond Doss was one of the three men who volunteered to go up the ridge and hang the cargo nets (something not shown in the movie). They were the same cargo nets that the men had used to climb down from the army personnel carriers into the landing crafts that took them ashore.

    "Between me and my buddy was these hand grenades," said Desmond. "All I had to do was just pull the pin and I knew I had some Japanese." Realizing that taking out the enemy in the hole would protect his men from possible death, he later said that this was the greatest temptation of his life. "I thought of what I heard before, 'Thou shalt not kill.' God gave life and I didn't want to take life."

    Yes. The Japanese focused on taking out medics in order to demoralize their enemy.

     "I had these men up there and I shouldn't leave 'em," said Desmond. "They were my buddies, some of the men had families, and they trust me. I didn't feel like I should value my life above my buddy's, so I decided to stay with them and take care of as many of them as I could. I didn't know how I was gonna do it."

    Falling back on his experience helping rescue flood victims when he was younger, Doss fashioned a special sling that enabled him to lower the men one by one to safety.
    While lowering the men down the ridge, the Japanese had a clear shot at Desmond Doss. Though it's not depicted in the movie, one Japanese soldier recalled having Desmond in his sights, but every time he went to fire, his gun jammed.

    Doss estimated the number of lives he saved to be 50, but his commanding officer wanted to credit him with saving 100 lives, so they compromised at 75 (Library of 維吉尼亞).

     "When you have explosions and bursts so close you can practically feel it, and not get wounded up there when I should have been killed a number of times. I know who I owe my life to as well as my men. That's why I like to tell this story to the glory of God, because I know from the human standpoint, I should not be here."

    Given that Desmond was the only medic left in B Company, he agreed to go but requested that he first be given time to read his Bible.

    So I just quickly took my left foot and threw it back to where I thought the grenade might be, and throw my head and helmet to the ground. And not more than half a second later, I felt like I was sailin' through the air. I was seein' stars I wasn't supposed to be seein', and I knew my legs and body were blown up.

    Desmond gave up his stretcher to the man, but while waiting for help to come back, he was wounded again, this time by a sniper's bullet that shattered his left arm.

    Yes. In a letter home to his wife Dorothy, written on May 31, 1945, he informed her that while being treated on the hospital ship Mercy, he realized he had lost his little Bible when he was wounded.

    "I knew if I ever once compromised, I was gonna be in trouble," said Desmond, "because if you can compromise once, you can compromise again."

    After WWII, Desmond received a modest pension from the military, but due to his disabilities from his injuries, his wife Dorothy got her nursing degree and had to work full-time to help with their income (in the movie she is already a nurse when they meet).
    They grew their own fruits and vegetables to help sustain themselves and eventually farmed the land. Desmond also worked part-time as a cabinetmaker and tried various other jobs that his health would allow, including raising tropical fish, door-to-door sales, and working as a maintenance man.