

2016-10-07 19:41:05



OH MY GOD,this film is sooooooo fucking awesome.

Amy, 32歲,兩個小孩,每天早上為自己的小孩做早餐午餐,送他們上學,然後上班,然後開會,然後把午餐匆匆塞進肚子裡,然後參加小孩在學校的各種活動,然後送小孩到各種補習班興趣班,然後到超市買菜,然後回家還要做晚餐,還要為自己的兒子做作業,她很辛苦,但也只能一個人躲在車裡痛哭發洩。然而,在晚餐的餐桌上她沒有大發牢騷,反而問自己的丈夫和小孩今天過得怎樣。而她的丈夫呢?完全沒有負起教育小孩的責任,還出軌,自己還不認為做錯了。她20歲就懷孕,從此她的青春就奉獻丈夫小孩工作。她是公司的支柱,幾乎是公司唯一一個做實事的人,只是她老闆太白痴,沒有看出來。所以一句話,就是「操著賣白粉的心,賺著賣白菜一樣少的工資」。

Kiki, 全職家庭主婦,四個小孩,沒有朋友,所有的精力都放在小孩和丈夫身上。


Carla, 離婚,一個小孩,放蕩不羈,口無遮攔,毫無節操可言,污出了天際,黃得毫無下限,愛幹嘛就幹嘛。這個角色像是一星火花,所以當這三個女人碰到一起時,就爆發了。


Son: This is suck, I can』t believe that you are making me make my own breakfast every single day.
Amy: You are doing awesome buddy, you really are.
Son: Hey, where is my science project.
Amy: Oh, I didn』t do it.
Son: What? But it’s due today.
Amy: Yeah
Son: That’s so unfair.
Amy: Yeah, I know. I am so sorry. But you actually have to try to do your own homework right now.
Son: I am a slow learner, remember?
Amy: You』re not a slow learner, you』re just entitled. Honey, do you know what entitle means?
Son: No, because I am a slow leaner.
Amy: It meant that mommy and daddy have been spoiling you. And now you think that the world owes you something, but it doesn』t. And if you don』t learn how to work hard now, then you are just gonna grow up to be like another entitled white dude who thinks he’s awesome for no reason. And then you start to sculpin and it will be awful and you will be meant to girls and you will grow this ironic mustache to look interesting but you aren』t actually be interesting. I am not okay with that. So will you please, please just do your own homework.

This is the worst thing I have ever seen you do. You quit trying. We don』t quit. Moms don』t quit. (Kiki:No. Quitting is for dads.)
Listen, no matter what shit fall at us, we have to just keep going. And do you know why?
(Kiki:Cause we have low self-esteem.)
No. No. No. It is because we love our kids. Because we love our stupid selfish ungrateful little shit faces. That is why. We love them so much that we will do literally anything for them. OMG, this is not about the election. This is about standing up to the bitch that hurt your little girl. Now you gonna sit here and let Gwendolyn get away this shit? Fuck that. Fuck it. You are gonna raise up like a small little * and you are gonna look at Gwendolyn and you are gonna say you do what you may to me I don』t care, throw it at me I don』t care. But you fuck with my daughter. And now I have to fight you. I am gonna fight you in the playground. I am gonna fight you in the cafeteria. I will even fight you in the parking lot that *** but I will have justice for my little girl. Because I am a fucking mom, and we protect our young. So get up from this coach. Turn off 12 years slave, and let’s body slam this bitch.
大致的意思就是:這是你所做過的事中最糟糕的一件——你放棄嘗試。我們不會放棄,媽媽是不會放棄的。(Kiki:只有爸爸才會放棄) ,無論發生什麼事,我們都勇往直前,你知道為什麼嗎?(Kiki:因為我們自卑。)不,因為我們愛自己的小孩,即使他們是愚蠢至極、自私自利小混蛋,我們都愛他們,而且願意為他們做任何事。所以,你要告訴Gwendolyn,你搞我可以,但是你敢動我的小孩,你就死定了。

p.s. :帶* 的地方沒聽出來是什麼 :p




