

2016-08-30 22:46:43


1.John:They say every relationship has a gardener and a rose.Georgette is the definitely the rose.
Maggie:And you're the gardener.
John:And I don't have a green thumb.
Maggie:Maybe you're a rose in disguise.
John:It could be a very good disguise.

2.Maggie:I have a half lemon and honey.
John:Hot whiskey.

3.Maggie:It was cordial and quiet.很踏實的生活,而且安靜.

4.Guy:Couldn't have taken the frustration.
Maggie:What do you mean?
Guy:Never seeing the whole thing.永遠看不到完整的概念.You've always just getting these little glimpse of the whole picture.

5.Georgette:You're a funny person.There's something so pure about you.You know,and a little bit stupid.And it's a kind of innocence.有點純真.You know,just so unconscious.非常無意識.I can't help it.I like you.

6.Georgette:You have to let this go,Maggie.This story has its own momentum,apart from you.It always did.
Maggie:I am so sick of being me.
Georgette:You should really try the tapping.
Maggie:Try what?
Georgette:I went to this workshop on biofeedback.生物反饋.It's amazing.What you do is,you figure out what the essential thing is you want to change.And then you make a sort of a dictum.找一句格言.Like,for instance,"I am not controlling."If that is what you want to change.