愛,不散--Love Is Strange


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導演: 艾拉薩克斯
編劇: 艾拉薩克斯 毛里西奧撒迦利亞
演員: 約翰李斯高 艾爾菲摩里納 瑪莉莎湯美


2016-08-12 09:51:30


Dear parents,
by now you've all heard of my joyful news and of my sad news. To be able to finally marry Benjamin Hull, my partner of almost 40 years, in a small ceremony here in 紐約 was one of my happiest moment of my life. Unfortunately, later I found out that I could no longer continue to teach music at St.Grace's. Most of you and everyone at school knew that I was gay and that Ben was my lifelong partner. I've always had nothing but support from all of you. So I would like to thank you and to emphasize that I understand what happened is not the fault of St.Grace's and its leadership.
Above all, I urge you to have a conversation with your children about whether or not justice was served here. The last thing I want them to take from this is they should hide who they are or what they think if they believe it will get them into trouble.
Life has its obstacles, but I learned early on that they will always be lessened if faced with honesty. I believe the world is a better place if people aren't lying. In the words of the apostle Paul to the Corinthians:"Love dose not delight in injustice, but rejoices with the truth."
Yours sincerely, George Garea.


