2016-08-11 05:27:18
I appreciate the friendship. Even they have totally different life experience, family backgroud, knowledge level, or living way. But the most lucky thing is that when you want to do something, I also want to go, and when you want to say something, I am willing to listen. 儘管生活經歷、家庭背景、知識水平、生活方式截然不同。一個移居英國10多年,以寫作為生,天文地理信手拈來,家庭美滿三代同堂;一個縱情聲色犬馬,酗過酒坐過牢,多情浪子單身獨居。難得的是你想做的事我正好願意相隨,你想說話時我正好願意傾聽。