倒帶人生--Mr. Nobody


7.7 / 246,438人    141分鐘 | Canada:138分鐘 (Toronto International Film Festival) | 157分鐘 (Director's Cut)

導演: 賈柯凡多梅爾
編劇: 賈柯凡多梅爾
演員: 傑瑞德雷托 莎拉波利 黛安克魯格 萊斯伊凡


2016-07-03 04:44:58



Journalist: Everything u said is contradictory. You cant have been in one place and another at the same time.
Old Nobody: You mean, they say we have to make choices?
Journalist: Of all those lives, which one...Which one is the right one?
Old Nobody: "Each of these lives is the right one. Every path is the right path. Everything could have been anything else, and would have just this much meaning. -- 田納西 威廉斯 "

( back to the memories )

9-y-o Nobody: In chess... It's called Zugzwang, when the only one viable move, is not to move.

( the future world crushing )

Journalist: It's the sea.
Old Nobody: The child is taking that apart. He doesnt need it anymore. Before, he was unable to make a choice because he didnt know what would happen. Now that he knows what will happen... He's unable to make a choice......

( child Nobody blew the leaf to the end within Anna at the lighthouse. Anna meet Nobody finally, they kiss each other )

Nobody: Thank you! Thank you, thank you!

( back to the future world )

Old nobody: This is the most beautiful day of my life... Anna.

導演的話:"My producers don't like me saying it, but it's really a big-budget experimental film about the many different lives one person can live, depending on the choices he makes. It's about the infinite possibilities facing any person. There are no good or bad choices in life. It's simply that each choice will create another life for you. What's interesting is to be alive."

