遠離天堂--Far From Heaven


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導演: 陶德海恩斯
編劇: 陶德海恩斯
演員: 茱莉安摩爾 丹尼斯奎德 丹尼斯赫柏特 薇拉戴維絲


2016-06-22 19:17:32


「Sometimes it's the people outside our world we confide in best.

But once you do confide, they're no longer really outside, are they?」

「One person could reach out to another, take an interest in another, and maybe for one fleeting instant could manage to see beyond the surface, beyond the color of things?

Do you think we ever really do see beyond those things, the surface of things?

"Just beyond the fall of grace, behold that ever-shining place." Yes. I do. I don't really have a choice.

I wish I could.」

「I've learned my lesson about mixing in other worlds. I've seen the sparks fly. All kinds.」