X戰警:天啟 X-Men: Apocalypse


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導演: 布萊恩辛格
編劇: 賽門金柏格 布萊恩辛格
演員: 詹姆斯麥艾維 麥克法斯賓達 珍妮佛勞倫斯 奧莉薇亞孟恩


2016-06-05 01:21:30


X戰警前傳3——X-Men: Apocalypse (2016)

"I had a whole different idea of how X-Men should go," Kingsman: The Secret Service director Matthew Vaughn tells MTV News. "I thought Days of Future Past should be the next one and be set in the '80s. So, when I wrote the treatment, I then wrote Kingsman and got confused about which film I should direct next. The I said to Fox, 'Let me do Kingsman now, get somebody else in and we'll do the '70s version, recast Wolverine, and the we do Days of Future Past with the new Wolverine AND Hugh, and make it the biggest spectacle we've ever seen."



2. DOFP means Jean Grey is still alive
「We changed the timeline for everything that came after 『DOFP』 - so 『X-Men 1』, 2 and 3, even 『The Wolverine』. So Jean [Grey] was not killed in 『Last Stand』, nor was Scott, and a whole lot of other things rippled.」
3. There’s a logical reason why Quicksilver wasn』t used for the rest of DOFP
「We didn』t use him because they were recruiting him for a specific mission: the prison break to get Magneto out of the Pentagon. The mission beyond that was much more personal: to save Raven, more spiritually than physically. [So Quicksilver] could』ve run in and grab her, but he wouldn』t have been able to change her mind.」
4. Magneto and Xavier have a truce at the end of DOFP
「At the end of the movie [Magneto] flies away without his helmet, with the implication that he』ll go off and continue to be Magneto in some form, but not be able to hide it from Charles, who『ll be able to read his mind and track him. There’s a truce of some kind between Charles and Magneto, but there’s a part of Magneto that will always be the Magneto we know from the comics.
5. Wolverine will still get his adamantium claws
「We don』t see it because he doesn』t pop his claws at the end of the movie [but like with elements of the story] perhaps how he got his claws is different. But he lands ultimately in the same destination.
6. Why Rogue was cut

「We had a lot of story to tell. Anna was fantastic in the movie, I liked the stuff we shot with her, but in a movie that had a ton of plot and a ton of mutants to service, the Rogue plot, as you will eventually see, was a sub-plot. It was a deviation from the main story of the movie. We had to cut other scenes, other moments that we all loved. If it’s anybody’s fault, it’s mine, as I should』ve integrated her into the main story and I learned my lesson the hard way.
7. Mystique could still give birth to Nightcrawler
「Since Azazel was killed, does this mean that Mystique gave birth to Nightcrawler in the time between 『First Class』 and 『DOFP』? All I will say is that ten years transpired between 『First Class』 and 『DOFP』, so anything is possible. She’s a young woman in her 20s going on 30s… and I will leave it at that!」
8. Nightcrawler still exists in the new continuity
「I love what Bryan Singer and Alan Cumming did with him in 『X2』. I certainly hope he exists. Nothing that we said or showed in 『DOFP』 would indicate that he doesn』t.
9. Magneto is probably Quicksilver’s dad… and we might see this on film
「It is a fascinating relationship. Erik grew up without a family, it’s such a huge part of him, of his mission. So the idea of exploring what it means for Magneto to be a father and reconnect with a son many years after his birth, is fascinating and certainly something that would be interesting to explore in future films.
10. Professor X is alive and looks like Patrick Stewart in the future scenes of 『Future Past』 because…
「I get asked this a lot! We tried to address this in a tag that we shot for Mangold’s 『Wolverine』. If you stuck around to the end of 『Last Stand』, there’s also some explanation for why the Professor X of the future looks like Patrick Stewart.
10. X教授還活著,並且在未來線里還是派屈克•斯圖爾特的樣子是因為……
「我都被好多人問過這個問題了!其實我們曾經在曼高德(狼2導演)拍攝的《金剛狼2》的彩蛋里講到過這一點。如果你仔細看看X3的結尾,也會找到未來的X 教授是派屈克•斯圖爾特的樣子的原因的。

11. We won』t see Kitty Pryde or Bishop in 『Apocalypse』
『Apocalypse』 really follows the stories of the 『First Class』 mutants, so in future X-Men films, perhaps, but in 『Apocalypse』, it』ll really be the younger generations.
11. 凱蒂(幻影貓)和畢肖普將不會在《天啟》中出場。
12. 『Apocalypse』 will be the biggest X-Men film so far
「The 『Apocalypse』 story is a bigger film in scope or scale and a more powerful villain than we have ever seen in these films before.」
13. He』d like to work on a sequel to 『The Last Stand』
「I』m entirely focused on 『Apocalypse』 and hopefully the best film in the franchise [but] it would be lovely to work with the original actors again. Perhaps, but right now it’s all 『Apocalypse』.」
14. Psylocke was almost in DOFP… and could return for 『Apocalypse』
「She’s a fan favourite, and also a favourite of mine. We have a small part that she plays in 『Last Stand』, and we talked about including her in 『DOFP』 quite seriously actually. There was a version of the script she was in and we even auditioned some actors in Montreal. But we didn』t feel there was enough of a part she would play in a movie that was already full of many, many mutants.
「She has a cool power. I know Bryan thinks she’s a neat character so there’s certainly a chance she』ll be in an 『X-Men』 movie some day. Hopefully there』ll be a lot of 『X-Men』 movies and there’s lot of mutants we』re yet to fully explore onscreen, even if they』ve had cameos before. Now we』re making more films there’s a chance to dig deeper.」

15. Scarlet Witch could also be in 『Apocalypse』
「When we made 『DOFP』 there is a reference to her in the scene when they』re at Quicksilver’s house, but we ended up pulling it out because like a lot of things it had to be sacrificed for the main momentum of the film. It’s a character we all love, because everyone loves Quicksilver so much. The more we can do to explore his family, the better. So maybe.

16. And so could Cable
「We also talked about including him in 『DOFP』. I will say, we love the character, we』d love to find a place for him in these movies, but I cannot confirm or deny which characters will actually be in 『Apocalypse』 until I read some spoilers!

17. The older generation will have to be recast, including Storm and Jean

「If we included some of the original X-Men, like Storm, Jean, Scott and others in 『Apocalypse』, yeah we would have to recast them because 『Apocalypse』 takes place a good 20 years before 『X1』which now insanely is 10-15 years ago. It would be very hard to do. Halle [Berry], Famke [Janssen] and 詹姆士 [Marsden] have done such a wonderful job bringing those characters to life and have been so identified with the parts. It would be a tall task, but I also would』ve said before 『First Class』 that there was no way we』d find actors to stand alongside Ian McKellen and Patrick Stewart, and we did with Michael [Fassbender] and 詹姆士 [McAvoy]. Are we going to have to recast? If some of characters are in the movie, we would. But we shall wait and see.

18. Apocalypse will finish the 『First Class』 trilogy
「The thrust of 『Apocalypse』 is really to complete the trilogy we began with 『First Class』 - to complete the stories of young Raven, young Hank, younger Charles and Erik. And complete this trilogy of four people who began the films sort of disparate and in different worlds…[and who] we』ve followed through the span of decades. So that』ll be the thrust. There will be familiar characters and new characters that we haven』t seen…ever…but it』ll be the completion of what we began in 『First Class』.」


Adapting Apocalypse for the Silver (Gray?) Screen:
In previous films, Isaac's characters have been very subtle and nuanced. That's obviously a lot different from playing a comic book villain like Apocalypse, who has a very clear agenda. Isaac spoke to director Bryan Singer in great detail about the best approach to bring the character to life on screen.
"In the early conversations we talked a lot about that [Apocalypse's distinct point of view and agenda]," he said. "Of course, you read the comic book, and [Apocalypse is] not so shaded with gray -- except his face. [Laughs] That's the only thing gray about him."
Regardless, Isaac knew what had come before in the X-Men movies and put his trust in Singer.
"Just as Bryan's done with the other films, I think he seeks to find something a little more interesting than the archetypal aspects of the characters, which work really well in print, but for a film I think you want to see a bit more of the -- for lack of a better word -- humanity in [Apocalypse]; because ultimately this is a story about humans."
"It's just different symbols for different things that we feel," he continued. "So with this character I am incredibly interested in the challenge of finding someone that's psychologically interesting and compelling, and actually the spiritual aspects of the character... For me, that's what I'm interested in, in any character that I do. It's a meditation on 'What's their engine? What's their spirit?' Whether that's about Llewyn Davis or Apocalypse, there's an aspect of 'What is it that makes them run? What's their spirit like?' That's what I'm interested in finding out about that character."