

2016-05-27 04:25:43

Good ears

1.史蒂夫n:I'm walking in the forest.

2.史蒂夫n:They're also driven by a new focus and clarity.並且帕克更能抓住重點,思維也更清晰.He's on everything early and has a sharp idea of what he likes and what he doesn't like.對於自己的喜好厭惡絕對清楚.

3.史蒂夫n:Loaded dice and poisoned charlices all over the shop.到處都是陷阱,到處都是雷區.

4.It is the brave and great man who upon recognising this point resists inertia and smashes on through to the far side,no matter the cost.只有勇敢和頑強的人,才能在明知被人發現,會阻礙慣性,卻咬緊牙關,堅持完成任務,並且不計一切代價.
I call this juncture "the critical moment of will".我稱這個特定時刻為"意志的關鍵時刻".

5.The taste of victory.Savour the rusty blood of your enmies.勝利的甘甜,加上敵人的鐵鏽血味道更加.But remember,the ture warrior understands,that war is not a crisis or an evemt but a ceaseless state of being.戰鬥不是一個活動,而是一種精神狀態. Power comes from the relentless pursuit of the unattainable.力量會在一次又一次的追逐探尋中積累.

6.What is the meaning of life,young Stelfox?
史蒂夫n:It's to drive your enemies before you.And hear the lamentations of their woman.碾壓並摧毀你的敵人,享受他們的女人的哀嚎.   舉報