女魔頭--Monster [2003]


7.3 / 161,952人    109分鐘

導演: 派蒂珍金斯
編劇: 派蒂珍金斯
演員: 莎莉賽隆 克莉絲汀娜蕾茜 史考特威爾森 普魯特泰勒文斯


2016-05-26 00:11:15


「All you need is love and to believe in yourself. Nice idea, it doesn't exactly work out that way.」

「Life is funny. It's hard. But it's also strange, how things can be so different than you think. I remember I was just a kid in before age club. Set up this beautiful gigantic red and yellow ferris wheel. It lit up to night sky. They called it... The Monster.」

「People always look down their noses at hookers. Never give you a chance, because they think you took the easy way out, when no one could imagine the willpower it took to do what we do. Walking the streets, night after night, taking the hits and still getting back up.」

「Lots of people have bad lives, and they still choose to move towards the light. Otherwise we all be hookers and druggies.」

「Love conquers all. Every cloud has a silver lining. Faith can move mountains. Love will always find a way. Everything happens for a reason. Where there is life, there is hope.」