翻轉幸福 Joy


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導演: 大衛歐羅素
編劇: 大衛歐羅素 安妮瑪莫羅
演員: 珍妮佛勞倫斯 布萊德利庫柏 勞勃狄尼洛 伊麗莎白羅姆


2016-05-01 00:22:49


1.When someone sees a weakness in me,I turn that weakness into a strength.當別人看見了我的弱點,我會把那個弱點化為力量.

2.Grandma:Hope things enternaly.

3.Fat woman:What's your name?Joy?You don't seem joyous to me today.
Joy:Perhaps I am not so joyous today.可能我今天就是不太高興.

4.Trudy:I have a green Mercedes.我開一輛綠色的奔馳車.
Rudy:Ok.6:30.I'll be ready.

5.Joy:Have a great date.
Rudy:Wish me luck.
Joy:Oh you don't need it.你不需要運氣.

6.Joy:The cicada is a large flying insect two to three inches long.It makes a sound of up to120 decibels,louder than some telephones.It lives half of its life above ground evading predators.它生命中的一半時間都在躲避天敵.蟬.

7.Joy:The cicada,a symbol of rebirth in many countries,digs into the ground and stays buried for up to 17 years.鑽進地下生活可長達17年之久.That's such a random number.Why 17 years?

8.Jackie:My job,I could take it or leave it.我的工作可有可無.
Joy:What happened to us,Jackie?

9.Tony:Yeah.I'm gonna be the next Tom 瓊斯.
Joy:That's a big amnition.There's only one Tom 瓊斯.
Tony:I know,but you can't let the practical get you down.You gotta keep going to what you love.你要不斷地追逐你所愛的事.

10.Trudy:My late husband Morris,he used to say,"Sailing in the winter is the best comparison to life in the world of commerce."在冬天揚帆正如在生意場上的生活.

11.Touissant:You're welcome,mademoiselle.不用謝,小姐.
泰瑞:Made moiselle?

12.Joy:Cristy,I need to use your crayons,your colored pencils and your paper.
Cristy:Let's go to my room.

13.Cristy:It's very serious.It's priority.重中之重.And I'm helping.

14.泰瑞:And let me know if you want some of this Chakalaka.混合辣蔬菜.
Touissant:Chaka.Say "chaka".辣蔬菜.

15.Trudy:Therefore you have to answer Morris's four questions of financial worthiness.四個跟理財有關的問題.
Joy:I think so,yes.

Trudy:Question number one:Where did you go to high school?
Joy:Plainfield Public High.

Trudy:Question number two:Who were you in high school?
Joy:I was valedictorian.我是最優等生.The smartest student in the school.
Trudy:It's equally possible that she is a fatally flawed underachiever.同樣可能的是,她會是一個致命的失敗者.Doomed to a lifetime of failure,disappointment,unfulfilled expectations.You must admit,Joy,that your life,to date,makes a stronger case for disappointment.
Peggy:I dont care about any of this.It's not only risk,but it's fiscally irresponsible and doen't make any sense,whatsoever.Joy's never run a business in her life.I've been running my father's garage for the last 10 years.
Joy:Our father.
Peggy:I have ventures that I'm planning to launch here at this existing business.
Joy:You never mentioned any of this until I came to Trudy to ask for an investment.

Jackie:What's Morris's third question?
Trudy:Are you prepared within six months of commencing this venture to show adequate returns?六個月內產出足夠的回報?
Joy:I accept your terms.
Tony:Don't do it,Joy.

Jackie:What's the fourth question?
Trudy:You're in the room,and there is a gun on the table.And the only other person in the room is an adversary in commerce.Only one of you can prevail.Yet,you have protected your business and Morri's money.Do you pick up the gun,Joy?
Joy:That's a very strange question.
Trudy:There is nothing strange about this question at all.This is money.Do you pick up the gun?
Joy:I pick up the gun.
Trudy:Good.I'm going to remember that you said that when I speak to my lawyer.

16.Cristy:What did the Trudy's lawyer say?
Joy:He did a worldwide patent search.
Cristy:What's a patent?專利.
Joy:A patent is like a law that you get to protect your idea.A lot of people patent their ideas but only a few of them actually get their ideas made.So Trudy just wanted to be careful.

17.Neil:I choose very carefully and very conservatively.我會很小心謹慎地選擇.I spent most of my day deflecting incoming shots from people like yourself.我一天的大部份時間都是在婉拒像你這樣的提案.

18.Neil:There's no problem with my product choice.Do you know what QVC stands for.Joy?
Joy:No,I don't.

20.Neil:That just goes to show you that in America the ordinary meets the extraordinary every single day.在美國門不當戶不對的結合是很常見的事.

21.Neil:A very smart guy once said."You tell somebody something once,they don't listen.You tell somebody four times,they don't listen.By the ninth time you say it,they begin to hear you."第九遍的時候他們才會聽.

22.Todd:Music in the makeup room?
Neil:Whatever you need to make you comfortable,You're who we care about.只要你覺得舒服就好,我們就在乎你.You're our number-one seller.

23.Joan:You're never gonna make it in a man's world dressed like that.

24.Neil:See.Stars and people,they always make the mistake.They think it's about the face,but it's not.It's about the hands.手才是最重要的.Because that's what people use.They hold things they care about.And her hands are gonna become their hands.And that becomes them.And then their voice,and then their eyes.Stars always meke the mistake.It's really about the hands and the voice.That's the heart of it.手和聲音才是至關重要的.才是精髓.

25.Neil:Because when you get there,there's lights and there's camera,and people freeze up.
Joy:You said to me that David Selznick,the son of immigrants married Jenifer 瓊斯,an all-Ameracan girl from 奧克拉荷馬 because in Amercia,all races and all classes can meet and make whatever opportunities they can.能去追求和把握任何一個機會.And that is what you feel when you reach into people's homes with what you sell.這就是你把產品賣給千家萬戶時的感覺.You said that.

26.Neil:What would the small thing be that she changes?她要做什麼小改動?
Neil:You undid the whole thing.
Joy:This is me.I wear a blouse and I wear pants.That's who I am.I want to go on as me.
Gonna go on as you.I hope you make it back.

27.Joy:Joan Rivers wants me in a skirt,but I'm gonna do pants.但我就穿褲子.
Neil:Do what you wanna do.

28.Neil:Are you nervous?
Neil:Just be yourself.Just remember,it's all about the hands.Here we go.

29.Joy:These are my designs!I'm not going anywhere without my molds.不帶我的模具我哪也不去.

30.Cristy:Mimi said you were the one born to help carry the family to success.太婆說你是生來就是為振興家族的那個人.
Joy:No,Cristy.Mimi was wrong.The world does not give you opportunites.The world destroys your opportunity and breaks your heart.(類似手錘並頓胸)

31.Grandma:She put up with just about anything.Until when she had to bring the hammer down.She brought the hammer down.She couldn't know what she was to come.That she'd go on to make another 100 record-setting patents.Skinny velvet hangers make neater closets.That's a big deal to a lot of people.But she didn't know any of this would happen as she walked down the street that day.

32.Peggy:You need a handsome prince.That's what you need.A prince.
Joy:No,I don't need a prince.This is a special power:I don't need a prince.這是超能力.我不需要王子.