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導演: 傑洛奇
編劇: 約翰麥克納馬拉
原著: 布魯斯庫克
演員: 布萊恩克雷斯頓 麥可斯圖巴 大衛馬爾多納多 約翰蓋茨


2016-04-03 00:05:33

Dalton Trumbo

1.Arlen:You don't even like me.你甚至都不怎麼喜歡我。
Darton Trumbo:I like you fine.You dont like me.我很喜歡你,是你不喜歡我。

2.Darton Trumbo:Well,I despise the martyedom and I won't fight for a lost cause.我鄙視殉道者,也不會為註定失敗的事而奮鬥。
So you're right.I'm not willing to lose iy all.Certainly not them.But I am willing to risk it all.That's where the radical and the rich guy make a perfect combination.
The radical may fight with the purity of Jesus.激進分子用耶穌的純潔去戰鬥。But the rich guy wins with the cunning of Satan.但富豪是用撒旦的狡猾去戰勝。

3.Eddie:Got a great offer on the Monet莫內 if you want to bribe the jury.

4.Darton Trumbo:Your mother needs to laugh at least once a day,deal?

5.Darton Trumbo:They need scripts like an army needs toilet paper.Quality minimum quantity maximum.質量最低,數量最多。You'd think that when the artistic ambitons of a mobie are non-existent,the work would be tossed off in a week.But consistently pleasing two former pinball salesmen turns out to be a high hurdle indeed.And I've become a stranger in my own house.我漸漸和家人疏遠。Every workweek id seven days.Every day is 18 hours.Every minute,I'm further behind.每分鐘我的進度都在落後。

6.Darton Trumbo:We now work at midnight,in thick fog among strangers.在濃霧的掩護下在陌生人群中。Not literally.這是個比喻。
Those of leagal age will have one of the most inportant jobs imaginable.Courier.那些達到法定年齡的人會得到想像得到的最重要的工作。快遞員。
Scripts must be delievered to producers without raising suspicion.Any questions?Concerns?
Nicola:Is there a schedule?
Darton Trumbo:A what?
Nicola:I need to know when I can do homework.And I'm part of a fundraising committee for Negro voting rights.Plus,every other Friday,we have meetings for Student Council.

7.Arlen:So you can help that great guy,Buddy Ross.
Darton Trumbo:Mm,so we can keep tearing down the blacklist.這樣我們就能繼續破壞黑名單。

8.Dalton Trumbo:No,Andrew.I owned him.The debts are all mine.

9.Wife Cleo克里奧:I will not let our chidren be raised by a bully.我不會讓孩子被惡霸養大。

10.Nicola:I don』t want to fight in front of my friends,but I'm not going home.
Dalton Trumbo:You know,your mother is a quiet person.Normally.The effect of which is that she can actually make me hear myself.It's extraordinary.Lately,it's not a sound I like much.Mostly because what I hear is just how afraid I am.我有多害怕。Adraid that I'm scarring you.All of you.And what if it's all for nothing?What then?Well,so,I fight.It's all I know how to do anymore.Just rage at anyone who gets in my way.對所有和我一起的人發火。But you have never been in my way,Nikola.Not once.
Nikola:It's crazy how mad you make me.Since all I ever wanted was to be just like you.你一直是我的偶像。
Dalton Trumbo:Well,I'm afraid to say that you've succeeded.

11.Dalton Trumbo:A new script,it's a family picture.Something I've been mulling.我推敲了很久。It's the story of a young Mexican boy and his pet bull.
Boss:Sounds a little fruity.What's it called?
Dalton Trumbo:The Brave One.勇敢的人.Oh,one problem though.
Dalton Trumbo:Worse.It's good.

12.Kirk:Hedda,is your friend trying to scare me?
Hedda:He's just trying to show you the way things are.
Kirk:Maybe I don't like the way things are.
Hedda:Kirk,we've known each other a long time.Since when did you become such a bastard?
Kirk:I was always a bastard.You just never noticed.我一直都很混蛋,你只是沒注意而已。

13.Dalton Trumbo:Oh,yes,my youngest thinks that I can end the suffering of all broken birds.
Otto Director:As can I,with a broiler.烤肉機。
Are you duties completed for Mr.Kirk Douglas?
Dalton Trumbo:No,but I do have two weeks off for Christmas.
Otto:During which time you will work with me?
Dalton Trumbo:Will I?
Otto:If you're as intelligent as your writing.And as greedy as your reputation.並且希望有個好名聲。It is an adaptation of the novel Exodus.對小說《出埃及記》的改編。Very nearly a perfect piece of shit.幾乎可以說是一部爛作品。
Dalton Trumbo:But there's a good story in there somewhere.但是裡面有個好故事。
Otto:I have no idea.But I have Paul Newman.

14.Otto:We have spoken.He is a little reticent.他有點沉默。But I believe,at the right price,he will accept.

15.Wife:So you're doing it?
Dalton Trumbo:Well,I think it's the only way to get him to leave.我想只有這樣他才會離開。
Wife:Poor Mr.Preminger.He thinks he's the cat and you're the mouse.

16.Dalton Trumbo:Ooh!哈囉.Hi,Sammy.(灰色的鸚鵡,有黃色的淚斑)

17.Dalton Trumbo:Otto,if every scene is brilliant,your movie is going to be utterly monotonous.如果每個鏡頭都精彩,那麼你的影片就會很單調了。
Otto:I'll tell you what.You write every scene brilliantly,and I will direct unevenly.我會選擇性的拍攝。

18.Otto:You keep up this level of work,and I'll see to it that your name is on my movie.To take the blame.

19.Nikola:No,because everything they can do they've already done.That Oscar belongs to you.Get it!
Dalton Trumbo:My God!You're nothing like me.You're worse.你更糟。

20.Dalton Trumbo:You see,all they do is deny people their right to work.他們做的只是否認人們工作的權利。And they can't even get that right.Academy Awards,two.
Dalton Trumbo:A joke?I know the blacklist that produced Robert Rich.I've seen its horror and cruelty.A hideous waste of life.As I've walked in the long line of its anonymous.And I cannot invent one more witticism about Robert Rich or the Osacar he can't claim.Because that small worthless golden statue is covered with the blood of my friends.

21.Eddie:Hedda,you can't put me in this position.That's expensive and pointless.那是昂貴而無意義的。
Hedda:Then you can kiss your movie,your studio and you miserable ass goodbye.

22.美國編劇協會:This next award is for the member who has advanced the literature of motion pictures.將用於肯定劇情片的編劇們。Occasionally,these appears among us a person whose virtues are so manifest,who so subordinates his own ego to the concerns of others,who lives in such harmony with all the standards of the community,that he is reverved and loved by everyone.Such a man,Dalton Trumbo is not.It gives me great pleasue to present the Writers Guild of America Laurel Award to Dalton Trumbo.

23.Dalton Trumbo:Thank you.Often,when I stand before the film community,there's an elephant in the room.Me.站在在業內人士面前,都是很忌諱的話題。And I thought I would address that.
The blacklist was a time fo evil.邪惡的存在。And no one who survived it came through untouched by evil.Caught in a situation that had passed beyond the control of mere individuals.Each person reacted as his nature,his needs,his convictions信啥,and his particular circumstances compelled him to.It was a time of fear.And no one was exempt沒人能夠倖免。Scores od people lost their homes.Their families disintegrated家庭分裂.They lost!And in some...some even lost their lives.
But when you look back upon that dark time,as I think you should every now and then,it will do you no good to search for heroes or villains.已經沒有價值了。There weren't any.There were only victims.Victims,because each of us felt compelled to say or do things that we otherwise would not.To deliver or receive wounds,which we truly did not wish to excahge.
I look out to my family sitting there,and I realize what I've put them through.And it's unfair.My wife,who somehow kept it all together,amazes me.讓我感到吃驚。
And so what I say here tonight is not intended to be hurtful to anyone.It is intended to heal the hurt.To repair the wounds which,for years,have been inflicted upon each other.And most egregiously極壞的極端惡劣的,upon ourselves.
Thank you.Thank you kindly.非常感謝。

24.Interview:If you receive the Oscar,what do you intend to do with it?
Dalton Trumbo:I have a daughter,13 years old.I've been blacklisted since she was three.She's known the title of every motion picture I've written in this study.And she's kept that title secret till now.A soldier.是個戰士。When her friends say to her,as children do,"My father does so-and-so.What does your father do?"This has confrontes her with a very real problem.It confronts her with the problem,and has since she was three,of who her father really is.不知她父親的真實面目。And what her father really does.I,uh,think I will give this Oscar,if I get it,to that girl.I think I will tell her,"Well,here is one secret you no longer need to be burdened with."I'll tell her we have our names back again.名字回來了。

25.Dalton Trumbo:Radical?Maybe.Dangerous.Only to men who fling Cokes.激進分子,也許。危險,只有那些對人潑可樂的人才是。
I love our country.And it's a good goverment.But anything good could be better,don't you think?本來就很好的事也可以變得更好,你不覺得嗎?