

6.7 / 105,833人    157分鐘 | USA:165分鐘 (director's cut)

導演: 麥可曼恩
編劇: 葛瑞戈里艾倫霍華 史蒂芬瑞佛
演員: 威爾史密斯 傑米福克斯 強沃特 馬里歐范比柏斯


2016-02-27 01:50:09

拳王阿里 Ali

《拳王阿里》作為一個傳記類的電影,它不僅僅是給我視覺上的衝擊,更多的是人格魅力的震撼。正如很多成功者一樣,阿裡的輝煌不僅僅是拳擊,還有對於種族,信仰的追求。面對政府的壓迫。敢於發聲: 「I ain't draft dodging(逃避兵役). I ain't burning no flag. I ain't running to Canada. I'm staying right here. You want to send me to jail? Fine, you go right ahead. I've been in jail for 400 years. I could be there for 4 or 5 more, but I ain't going no 10,000 miles to help murder and kill other poor people. If I want to die, I'll die right here, right now, fightin' you, if I want to die. You my enemy, not no Chinese, no Vietcong, no Japanese. You my opposer when I want freedom. You my opposer when I want justice. You my opposer when I want equality. Want me to go somewhere and fight for you? You won't even stand up for me right here in America, for my rights and my religious beliefs. You won't even stand up for my right here at home. 」 複製一段他的話。很有道理。用思想武裝自己,用拳頭保護自己。