不存在的房間 Room


8.1 / 450,858人    118分鐘

導演: 藍尼亞伯漢森
原著: 艾瑪多諾霍
編劇: 艾瑪多諾霍
演員: 布麗拉爾森 雅各特倫布雷 西恩布里吉 溫蒂克勞森


2016-02-10 16:35:38

Great acting, but much improvement needed otherwise

This is a good story told in a mediocre way. The Author of the book and the screenplay obviously had a good idea, but she failed to convey it through her screenplay. Directing could also have been much better although Jack's monologues were extremely well written. I feel like the medium of the film was wasted by the screenplay. While in the room, many daily life scenes were shown but you weren't really what they might be feeling to live in there. While back in the world, the director fails to convey what ma/jack must be going through. (Which I understand because after all he never experienced it). But he really fails to convey what could have been so many things that could have had come out of this story. Which again, is also the screenplay's problem.

The music is very powerful but at times unfit for the film. I feel like it is the problem of the use of instruments. Some kind of electrical instruments were used which I think personally is unnecessary. At times, it was way too 'epic' for a film like Room. I felt like it would be more suited for an action movie/thriller, while for Room, maybe something more intimate will be better?

Despite these flaws, the acting of this movie was great. Jacob Tremblay was an absolute triumph. He made you feel like he IS Jack and he is extremely natural at the role. Nothing was overdone but everything was perfect. Brie Larson was very moving, just right for all the emotions Ma goes through. She was able to show her vulnerability and bravery and pain and her performance was almost perfect.

I personally think the film and director is disappointing as a "Oscar nominated best picture" and "best director", but none the less, the acting in this film is amazing and it's worth a watch.