不存在的房間 Room


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導演: 藍尼亞伯漢森
原著: 艾瑪多諾霍
編劇: 艾瑪多諾霍
演員: 布麗拉爾森 雅各特倫布雷 西恩布里吉 溫蒂克勞森


2016-01-18 01:22:27


「There's so much of "place" in the world. There's less time because the time has to be spread extra thin over all the places, like butter. so all the persons say "Hurry up! Let's get going! Pick up the pace! Finish up now!". Ma was in a hurry to go "boing" up to Heaven, but she forgot me. Dumbo Ma! So the aliens threw her back down. Crash! And broke her.」



I need scissors.

What for?

For cutting my hair.

Do you really want to do that?

I wanna send it to Ma.

How come?

She needs my strong more than me, so I wanna send it to her. Or you can take it to her.」

「When I was four I don't even know about the world. And now me and ma going to live in forever, and ever. Until we're dead. This is the street in a city, in a country, call America, on the earth. That's the blue and green planet, always spin. So I don't know why we don't fall off. Then, there's outer space. Noboy knows where's heaven. Ma and I have decided because we don't know what we like. We get to try everything. There are so many things out here, and sometimes it's scary. But that's ok. Because it's still just you and me.」

「Bye plant, bye chair number one, bye chair number two, bye table, bye wardrobe, bye sink, byebye skylight. Ma say byebye to room.」