星際大戰七部曲:原力覺醒 Star Wars: The Force Awakens


7.8 / 976,657人    135分鐘

導演: J.J.亞伯拉罕
編劇: 勞倫士卡斯丹 喬治盧卡斯
演員: 黛西蕾德莉 嘉莉費雪 馬克漢米爾 哈里遜福特


2015-12-20 00:45:57

Bye Star Wars, 哈囉 All-encompassing Consumerism

Yeah I get it, it takes a son to kill a father, but why did the whole sequence felt so fastfood, so cheap? I shed a tear for the old Lucas-style character buildup.

JJ 亞伯拉罕 can make films full of visual candies, films that can sell; but at this rate he will never make a good film, a film that would never age. JJ 亞伯拉罕 literally created a "son" that killed its "father".

3 star, 1 for all the fan services thrown in my face.

You know what's the worst part about this new "star wars" franchaise reboot? It's gonna be the next Avengers. Just watch it fly.