

7.1 / 138,966人    115分鐘

導演: 尚馬克瓦利
編劇: 尼克宏比 雪兒史翠德
演員: 瑞絲薇斯朋 蘿拉鄧 湯瑪斯薩多斯基


2015-12-05 22:16:24


What if I forgive myself?
       一路上說的最多的詞是fucking. what the fucking cold mash. what the fucking universe. 到後來,94天,20000公里將近尾聲,一本地圖冊終於燒盡,她終於走到了眾神之橋。記憶里母親一直說「you can quit anytime」隨時停止這段路程,隨時停止過去頹廢的人生,隨時重新開始。記憶里母親最喜歡唱「El Condor Pasa」貧窮里一直樂觀善良地向前。
What if I forgive myself
What if I was sorry.
But if I could go back in time
I wouldn』t do a single thing differently
What if I wanted to sleep with every single one of those men
What if heroin taught me something
What if all those things I did were the things that got me here
What if I was never redeemed
What if I already was

What if I forgive myself
What if I was sorry.
But if I could go back in time
I wouldn』t do a single thing differently
What if I wanted to sleep with every single one of those men
What if heroin taught me something
What if all those things I did were the things that got me here
What if I was never redeemed
What if I already was

It took me years to the woman my mother raised
It took me four years, seven months and three days to do it
Without her
After I lost myself in the wilderness of my grief
I found my own way out of the woods
And I didn』t even know where I was going
Until I got there on the last day of my hike

Thank you, I thought over and over again,
For everything the trail had taught me,
And everything I couldn』t yet know

in four years, I』d cross this every bridge
I』d marry a man in a spot almost visible from where I was standing
in nine yeas, the man and I would have a son named Carver

And a year later, a daughter named after mymother, Bobbi
I knew only that I didn』t need to reach with my bare hands anymore
That seeing the fish beneath the surface of the water was enough
That is was everything

My life, like all lives,
Mysterious, irrevocable and sacred.
So very close,
So very present
So very belonging to me
How wild it was…

To let it be

任何「經過這件事我得到了救贖」,「這件事之後我發生了巨大的改變」都不過可恥的謊言。沒有誰能給一個理由解釋Cheryl為什麼選擇開始hiking。現實從來不是邏輯嚴謹的小說,太多事情只起緣於一時的閃念。她是否真的從此就告別了吸毒,告別了濫交?沒有人知道。人一生有多少種可能,多少個不確定,多少次反覆無常。我們都說要找回初心,要BE MYSELF,可究竟誰說得清什麼時候的心叫初心,什麼樣的自己叫真實的自己?大概世上所有的初心都是一個樣子的:純真、執著、善良。所有的self也是一樣的:勇敢,自由,自信。 史鐵生說經了這麼一遭我大概弄懂了死是個什麼東西,但卻仍不懂什麼是活。什麼是活呢?天知道。好像我們所有的,都是HINDSIGHT而已。
