海邊--By the Sea


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導演: 安潔莉娜裘莉
編劇: 安潔莉娜裘莉
演員: 布萊德彼特 安潔莉娜裘莉 梅蘭妮蘿倫 梅維爾波柏


2015-12-03 23:44:37



本片講述了一對結婚14年的一個作家一個曾經的舞者,一對文藝工作者夫妻 為了解決某個問題從紐約跑到法國偷窺新婚夫婦的故事。但是兩人到底問題出在哪裡一直憋著就是不想告訴觀眾。

劇情拖沓,不對,應該是說根本就沒有劇情。人物矛盾遲遲不交代 也不知道二人婚姻問題由何引起 女主反覆莫名其妙的舉止 以及多次回憶。女主一直在性冷淡賭氣,男主一直在酗酒抽菸與大爺聊天,夫婦二人唯一共同點就是從洞裡窺探隔壁新婚夫妻的生活。 拖拖拉拉沒有劇情憋到110分鐘偷窺了隔壁無數次的女主跑去要跟隔壁帥哥發生點什麼,男主發現終這一切了才終於告訴觀眾這一切不和諧是因為女主不能生育。



"My children once asked me why did I get married ? I said because I love your mom. They said, "if your love is strong enough why do you need an invisible string of marriage to hold on? The fact that you need one makes me wonder that the love may not be enough."
I was so touched by this that i couldn』t sleep for a long time. Then one day I had a serious fight with my wife .
She would cry all day. And one fine day our children asked mom, 「Why don』t you leave dad? go your separate ways」.
She thought for a moment and said 「 Because I』m married to him, I vowed to be with him in thick and thin and this is probably the thinnest we have come."
Now after 1 year, we are happy together, like nothing ever happened. All those broken bridges are mended. All arguments are forgotten and all that is left is their love for each other.
This made me realize that Relationships are not only about love but they are also about hatred, frustrations and disappointments
And Marriage is that invisible thread which holds you together when the light of your love is wrapped around by the clouds of misunderstandings.
It holds you together during those weak moments of your relationship.
And believe me, no matter how much love you have for each other, sometimes there comes those weak moments and you need marriage to hold things together.
Repost if you think the same."

Pitt 覺得婚姻是關鍵時候把二人綁住的重要紐帶。可能這個影片中也想傳遞這樣的一種觀念,Marriage is that invisible thread which holds you together when the light of your love is wrapped around by the clouds of misunderstandings. 劇中人物情節十分單一的情況下,主題傳遞的太晦澀。除了模特一樣的身材 沒什麼好看的。

安吉麗娜朱莉導演作品 服裝夠美 劇情不足,野心足夠 能力不足。2星。
