

6.4 / 37,298人    99分鐘

導演: 琳恩‧薛爾頓
編劇: Andrea Seigel
演員: 克蘿伊摩蕾茲 綺拉奈特莉 山姆洛克威爾 艾莉坎波


2015-05-23 06:05:17

the most interesting line

OK, I'm gonna tell you two things that I've gotten some perspective on after being out of high school for a while now. The first is that a lot of the math they're teaching you that they swear you'll use in your life, you won't. You're never going to need to use parabolas and you really don't need to know shapes that have more than eight fucking sides. The second...The second, which I've only got some perspective on recently, but it's this. You can't keep putting aside what you want for some imaginary future. You've just got to suck it up and go with your gut.