

7.1 / 156,005人    102分鐘

導演: 克利絲汀‧帝特
編劇: 西西莉雅‧艾亨 茱麗葉陶希迪
演員: 莉莉柯林斯 山姆克萊弗林 蘇琪沃特豪斯


2015-03-06 08:19:22

Can I take you to the dance?


The characters, the haircut, the clothing, the plot, the background music, the frames...all are my dishes.
About love between parents and children, about courage, about growth, about chooses, about sexual relations...lots of things that touches me.

Similar topic with my favorite soap operas I might not be in love with you. Two people know each other since young, both having a feeling but neither would admit it in the name of a enduring solid friendship. After several years or even dacades or longer, when they went through lots of things in life and grow mature and finally dare to tell the other one frankly that she or she has been the one since the very begining.

Actually, I was thinking that if both of them were brave enough and honest to each other and took a dance that night, things might not have went through as perfectly as what it was 12 years later.
Time makes people see things.For one thing, 12 years make them ensure the true love in their life, make Alex be more like a man, and make Rosie be reaffirmed of her inintial dream. For another, 12 years might bring out conflits, distrust, love fading away. Marrige is tough. So is the relationship between two people who are not sure about their relationship when both of their future are unknown.

So thanks to the 12 years.
Thanks to not showing it out at the 18-year-old birthday.

Keep it and cherish it until one of you are ready to say "Can I take you to dance" and another of you are ready to say "I am waiting for that, Mr."
