第7度感應--Red Lights


6.2 / 66,180人    114分鐘

導演: 羅德里格科特斯
演員: 勞勃狄尼洛 雪歌妮薇佛 席尼墨菲 伊莉莎白奧爾森 陶比瓊斯


2014-09-07 10:18:38

Search for psychics

Tom Buckley (Cillian Murphy) and Margaret Matheson (Sigourney Weaver) are college professors who spend their days exposing fake psychics. They've got their own little branch of Sceptics 'R' Us and they live to kill the careers of frauds who say things like, "I'm hearing a name beginning with M ..."

But there is one man they just haven't been able to shut down -- blind soothsayer Simon Silver (Robert De Niro). Silver's been out of the game for a while, but he's making a comeback and Buckley sees his chance to bag a big name.

It's a fairly average thriller, saved by some decent performances by Murphy and Weaver. De Niro is a long way from his best, but he gives Silver enough character to have the audience guessing whether he might be the real deal.

There are some nice touches early on to show how the shysters work the crowd to get away with the con, but ultimately the movie relies on the strength of two major twists. How much of a surprise they come to you will dictate how much you like this movie. I wasn't surprised, but overall it was still enjoyable.