血熱之心--The Normal Heart


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導演: 萊恩墨菲
編劇: 萊恩墨菲
演員: 馬克魯法洛 泰勒基奇 史蒂芬史賓尼拉 茱莉亞羅勃茲


2014-06-02 21:34:07



-I asked what you did, and you said something like you tried a number of things and I asked if that had include love. That’s when you said, 「I have to get up early in the morning.」
Men do not naturally not love, they learn not to. I think you are a bluffer.

-Felix, let’s move somewhere far away, just two of us, together on a desert island.
-Don』t you dare stop for one second what you are doing? I appreciate you are not yelling at me about what the Times isn』t doing. And my don』t be more political. Why don』t you?
-It’s a relief of not having to have to talk about politics with someone, but that’s not the reason.
-It’s because you are too good to be true. Because I』ve been waiting for a lover like you my whole life, you haven』t showed up until now, and I』m scared shitless that I』m gonna do something to fuck it up. Am I crazy?
-Of course. That’s why I』m here.

-Imagine if we had this when we were young. No fear, no shame. All I was imagining all those years was with you.

-I』m afraid to leave him alone now. I』m afraid a cure won』t come in time. I』m afraid of my anger.

-I have this tradition. It’s something I do now when a friend dies. I save his Rolodex card. What am I supposed to do? Throw it in the trash can? I won』t do that, no, I won』t. That’s too final. Last year, I have five cards, now I have 50. A collection of cardboard tombstones bound together with a rubber band. I hate there fucking funerals. I really do. And you know what else I hate? I hate the memorials, that’s our social life now.

-He is afraid I』ll leave him, I told him I wouldn』t leave him, that I never for one second would think of leaving him. But he doesn』t believe me. It’s hard to believe much in these days. But we must never stop believing in each other. I』m a mess, that’s what I am. You cry and you cry until you think can』t cry anymore, and then you cry some more. Not only for yourself or Felix, but for all the little boys who finally find their other little boys they have wanted all their lives now that we are men.

-I want you to live so much, I』m not supposed to say that




懷著一顆平常心去深愛,「 I』ve been waiting for a lover like you my whole life, you haven』t showed up until now, and I』m scared shitless that I』m gonna do something to fuck it up.」 更去珍惜。