

7.6 / 104,003人    98分鐘

導演: 史蒂芬佛瑞爾斯
編劇: 史帝夫庫根
演員: 茱蒂丹契 史帝夫庫根 瑪麗溫寧漢 西恩馬洪


2014-05-28 18:24:04


「Its funny isn't it? All the pieces of paper designed to help you find him have been destroyed, but guess what, the one piece of paper designed to stop you finding him has been lovingly preserved. God and his infinite wisdom decided to spare that from the flames.」

「Just cuz you're in first class it doesn't make you a first class person.」

「You should be nice to people on the way up cuz you might meet them again on the way down.」

「The end of all our exploring will be to arrive where we started, and know the place for the first time. — T. S. Eliot」

「The Lord Jesus Christ will be my judge - not the likes of you.

Really? Because I think if Jesus was here right now he'd tip you out of that fucking wheelchair - and you wouldn't get up and walk.」

「Philomena: Sister Hildegarde, I want you to know that I fogive you.」
「馬丁 Sixsmith: Well... I couldn't forgive you.」