銀幕大角頭--Anchorman: The Legend Of Ron Burgundy


7.1 / 378,831人    94分鐘 | USA:104分鐘 (extended version) | Canada:97分鐘 | 98分鐘 (unrated)

導演: 亞當麥凱
編劇: 威爾法洛 亞當麥凱
演員: 威爾法洛 克麗絲汀娜雅柏蓋特 保羅路德 史提夫卡爾


2014-04-29 00:58:08


It's a pity that people no longer make nonsensical comedy the way they used to anymore. Not only is the Anchorman filled with memorable and lovable characters, there is also something to be said about the cinematography and filming of the film. The storyline and characters feel sincere and relatable. These days, too much emphasis is placed on the jokes itself, but not enough on how the movie leads to them. A great cast for a classic of a show, and definitely better than the sequel, which tries too hard to bring back what was so great about the first one, but failed to do so in every respect.