偷書賊--The Book Thief


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導演: 布萊恩派西佛
編劇: 麥可帕佐尼
演員: 傑佛瑞洛許 艾蜜莉華特森 蘇菲奈里斯 班史奈澤


2014-03-01 13:56:27


「I have seen a great many things. I have attended all the world's worst disasters, and worked for the greatest of villains. And I've seen the greatest wonders. But it's still like I said it was: no one lives forever. When I finally came for Liesel, I took selfish pleasure in the knowledge that she had lived her ninety years so wisely. By then, her stories had touched many souls. Some of whom I came to know in passing. Max, whose friendship lasted almost as long as Liesel. Almost. In her final thoughts, she saw the long list of lives that merged with hers. Her three children. Her grandchildren. Her husband. Among them, lit like lanterns, were Hans and Rosa, her brother, and the boy whose hair remained the color of lemons forever. I wanted to tell the book thief she was one of the few souls that made me wonder what it was like to live; that in the end, there were no words. Only peace. The only truth I truly know is that I am haunted by humans.」


以及旁白聲音太銷魂,發現演過V for Vendetta,果斷跑去搜有聲書,發現only time will tell 是他和Jeffrey Archer 還有Emilia Fox一起讀的……救命……還有喜劇代表作cabin pressure 是他和John Finnemore, Stephanie Cole 還有Benedict Cumberbatch 一起讀的……不要醬紫啊嚶嚶嚶