再造奇蹟--The Magic of Belle Isle


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導演: 羅伯萊納
編劇: Guy Thomas (Ⅰ) 安德魯謝恩曼
演員: 摩根佛里曼 薇吉妮亞麥德森 瑪德琳卡羅


2013-12-26 02:53:33



I would leave all my windows open to hear that kind of playing.——蒙提第一次聽到夏洛特彈琴
All the things I couldn't do in the real world, Juber let me do in the page.

Amazing Ted, or Mr clown, which you prefer on your tomb stone? If you want to continue your useless existence, I strongly urge a sincere apology to miss Finnegan O'Neil.

Joe: He just wants to make you a rich son of a bitch.
Monte: I am already a son of bitch. I don't care to be rich. But thanks for thinking of me

But right now I am in a pretty good... Most time, real life doesn't measure up to what's now I have. But every now and then, they come pretty close. You happened to catch me in one of those verified moments. So if it's all the same to you. I will stick with real life for a spell.

Here is to you Mrs O'Neil, a face that gives the moonlight something worth shining on.
What do you want? Mr Wildhorn,
I have to say that for more nights like this.
I told my girls, one of the great pleasure of life has to offer is the only search after the heart.
Yes, Ma'am.
What was the woman who captures your heart be like?
She'd have the your way of walking into a room
How do I do that?
It's sunny outside, a slight rainfall. You know how it feels when a warm breeze comes with a rain... That's how you walk into a room