畢業生行不行--The Post Grad Survival Guide


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導演: 維基傑森
編劇: 凱莉佛萊蒙
演員: 艾麗絲布莉達 查克吉爾福德 米高基頓 珍林區 Bobby Coleman


2013-11-18 01:20:49




Just out of curiosity though, do you think I'm making the right decision?

Well, you know, ever since you were a little kid you always seemed to have it figured out. You know, you made good grades, you kept your room neat and clean, you ate your vegetables. Can I be honest with you? I always found it a little troubling. Because, see, honey, the world's a screwy place. It doesn't play by the rules. So if you're asking me do I think it's a good idea for you to quit your job, leave behind the only family you have and travel 3,000 miles to a place you've never been before? I think it's the most kick-ass idea you've ever had. 'Cause I think no matter where you are, you're gonna knock 'em dead.

Thanks, Dad.

Show me the world in the shape of your looking glass.
Beautifully bold when the colors unfold.
Yes it's easy to see but its harder to find.
And I'm thinking of you and it's clear in my mind.

So I turn, turn, turn, I turn back around.
I Turn, turn, turn, I turn back around,
And I'm eastern bound.

Almost let slip all these words at my finger tips.
Still unaware of the pen in my hand,
But I'm makin my way day by day comin back to you.
Here unafraid of the path that I choose.

So I turn, turn, turn, I turn back around.
I Turn, turn, turn, I turn back around,
And I'm eastern bound.
#   舉報
