

4 / 266人    98分鐘

導演: 霍耀良
演員: 甄子丹 陳妍希 楊穎 柯震東 黃宗澤


2013-10-17 22:06:57

Can it be more terrible? No!

This was one of the most terrible movies I had even seen.what really made me annoy was that not only was I stupid enough to go to the cinema with my friend for this movie but I went through the half-and-a-hour suffering as well.

Together was released exactly before the valentine’s day last year.It was shown in its previews that so many famous and popular Chinese stars played important roles in this movie at that time.Even though I knew Together is a typical commercial film made largely just for profit,it never occur to me that a movie including so many big stars could be such an atrocity.

Nowadays,with the more and more lower cost of movie production, a lot of commercial films or comedy films have been shot randomly,of which some have plebeian and superficial tastes in order to cater for the public interest,considering the box office which is the most important thing for filmmakers.Most of people still will buy it because this kind of movie at least can bring happiness and relax to its audience.but when you finish Together,it will impress you nothing but empty and boredom.
If sometimes you may think some trailers are even more exciting than the movies itself,Together will never let you down.there are two totally irrelevant and meaningless love story in this movie. From my viewpoint,the plot is no more than a nonsense and the lines are tedious enough to make you fall sleep.Perhaps the movie manufacturers tried hard to express something representing the emotion between lovers but turn out to be very unrealistic and ludicrous.For instance,they advertised Together as a romantic story which possess attractive beginning and delightful ending,but what I saw covering the whole big screen was the beautiful facade of those popular movie star instead of the true meaning of love.If they thought audience would enjoy it,they thought audience was fool.
Watching such a shallow movie in the cinema was a double waste of both money and time,and then I』d like to waste more time to make fun of it and warned others to have more insight of choosing movie because so many commercial films that are even more intolerable than Together are on each year in China.
All in all,Together is a big failure,according to both dismal reputation and bleak box office.As a line from this movie goes:Being with you is better than just saying I love you,I want to mention that being a lonely and pathetic single is better than Together.