

6 / 104,053人    128分鐘

導演: 喬舒亞麥可史坦
編劇: 馬特懷特利
演員: 艾希頓庫奇 德莫麥隆尼 詹姆斯伍德 阿曼達柯魯


2013-09-26 06:22:15

Several Comments Simply on This Movie

I'm not an apple fan. I only bought an Ipad mini after getting fed up with two Chinese domestic brand pads.

Ipad has totally changed my lifestyle now. I read more updated news, addict to beautiful apps and user interfaces now. It attracted me to focus on the inventor of this great machine, 史蒂夫 Jobs.

So.... after watching this movie in a Spanish cinema(with only spanish subtitles, I understand the original soundtrack anyway). I couldn't wait to give some comments on the movie comparing to my expectations of what I want see in it.

1. The plot is somewhat plain without setbacks. Yes, the startup team had met obstacles at the beginning, and Jobs had stood at his life turning point when he was fired, but the story plot seems like too plain. I didn't see the inner struggles of this great man.

2. Where is the scene of his successful years? To most audience,we know Jobs after Iphone was launched at 2007. He became well known in the first generation iphone releasing video. However, this movie didn't depict even a second of his success. The movie came to a sudden end when I was thinking the climax was about to come.

3. Ashton Kutcher looks funny when he imitated the walking of 史蒂夫 Jobs.

4. The movie assumes all the audience knowing all the people networks. Maybe to most apple fans or American audience, they are familiar with all the characters. However, for me, if the movie adds some exegesis to each important character, it will be better for understanding.