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導演: 奉俊昊
編劇: 奉俊昊
演員: 克里斯伊凡 蒂坦絲雲頓 宋康昊 艾德哈里斯


2013-08-12 01:17:49

40 Trivia of Snowpiercer (SPOILERS ALERT!!!)


  1.The charcoal drawings in the movies are drawn by Jean Marc Rochett, the artist of the original graphic novel, 『Le Transperceneige』
  電影中出現的炭筆畫都出自Jean Marc Rochett之手,丫是Snowpiercer原著漫畫的作者之一。

  2.Mason was supposed to be a male character, but went through a gender change as Tilda 史雲頓 was casted for the role.
  Mason原本應是男性角色,但Tilda 史雲頓進入卡司後老奉決定改變角色性別。

  3.Jake Gyllenhaal and Dust Hoffman couldn』t make into the movie due to their scheduling issues. They could have played Curtis and Wilford.
  Jake Gyllenhaal和Dustin Hoffman因為檔期緣故沒法兒參與這部電影的攝製。他們是原定的Curtis和Wilford的人選。

  4.The last one to be casted was the role of Wilford. it was Park Chan-Wook who suggested Ed 哈里斯 for the role.
  最後一個選角的角色就是Wilford。是老朴客建議選擇Ed 哈里斯來演本角色的。

  5.Wilford is bisexual.

  6.They built a 500m set-train for the movie.

  7.Franco elder and Franco the younger could be brothers, or lovers.

  8.Tilda wanted to have a 1:1 scene with Song Kang-Ho, but it didn』t happen.

  9.Chris Evans personally contacted director Bong for the role.

  10.Tilda was considering a retirement, but changed her mind after shooting Snowpiercer.

  11.All the torches were real.

  12.Tilda uses yorkshire accent for the role, like margaret thatcher.

  13.The name 『Edgar』 is inspired by the director Edgar Wright.
  「Edgar」這個名字是從導演Edgar Wright(《殭屍西恩》)的名字而來。

  14.Octavia Spencer didn』t breathe at all while acting her character’s death.
  Octavia Spencer在角色死亡的那場戲裡真的一直摒住了呼吸。

  15.The name 『Yona』 is from the Bible.

  16.The train-babies like Yona developed animalistic hearing skills, living in the train.
  像Yona這樣的Train Baby從小生活在火車中,發展了動物性的聽覺能力。

  17.Yona is the daughter of the leading woman of 『the frozen seven』.

  18.Bong wanted to put groups of children under the floor for the climax scene but the budget didn』t allow it.

  19.The thing that Nam saw through the window could be a bird, or a polar bear.

  20.There was a narration done by grown-up Timmy but it was cut.

  21.Mason is from the tail or the middle section. she worked as a cleaner and got noticed by Wilford. that’s how she made it to the front section.

  22.Jamie Bell enjoyed playing with Mason’s prop boobs.
  Jamie Bell很喜歡玩弄Mason的波波道具。

  23.Chris Evans asked to be left alone in the train for 4 hours to get into a right emotion for his monologue.

  24.Jamie Bell says Chris Evans was practicing his monologue for hours in his hotel room, looking at the mirror.
  Jaime Bell說美隊每天花好幾個小時在旅店裡照著鏡子努力地聯繫對白。

  25.Gillam and Grey is in a gay relationship, according to Bong’s imagination.

  26.The martial director 茱莉亞n Spencer referenced his famous sauna scene from 『Eastern Promise』.
  武指茱莉亞n Spencer在電影裡致敬了他之前在《東方的承諾》中設計的桑拿間戲。

  27.Bong wanted the name for the korean character (Namgoong Minsu) to be hard to pronounce.
  小奉希望讓韓國角色的名字(南宮珉秀)發音困難一些。= =

  28.The actress who played Claude is not a professional actress. she’s an art student who didn』t know what kind of movie she was in for, and later was shocked to see Chris Evans in the set.

  29.Rebel Wilson was supposed to play Claude, but there was a scheduling problem.
  Rebel Wilson原本應該來飾演Claude,但是檔期不趕趟。

  30.Mason’s glasses are from Tilda’s twins.

  31.The protein blocks are mixture of seaweed and sugar. Jamie Bell had the hardest time eating them.
  蛋白質塊是用海帶和糖做成的。Jaime Bell覺得很難吃。

  32.Chris Evans worried about how 『silly』 it would look to be slipped on a dead fish during a fight scene. Bong had to explain 『the beauty of mistakes』

  33.The final scene was filmed in Austria.

  34.Ed 哈里斯 struggled with his lines in the first day and got very angry. Bong says he couldn』t stop laughing at Ed 哈里斯 losing his shit.
  Ed 哈里斯拍攝第一天為對白糾結了很久,變得非常生氣。小奉一直笑話他失態。

  35.Harvey Weinstein demanded to delete the 『fish blood scene』 but Bong refused to cut it.

  36.Unlike the audience expected, Park Chan-Wook was not involved in the shooting at all as he was busy directing 『Stoker』.

  37.Snowpiercer might be the last movie shot with film camera in Korean movie history.

  38.Bong wanted to build a zoo in the train, but the budget was short.

  39.Jamie Bell was afraid to do the stunt, so Bong did the stunt himself to show how safe it was. Jamie Bell couldn』t complain about stunts afterward.
  Jamie Bell當時很怕做一個驚險動作,但小奉直接親自上陣給他做示範,然後Jaime Bell就啥也不能抱怨了。

  40.Bong pretended not to understand english when the American producers asked him to cut scenes out.
