風雲男人幫--Gangster Squad


6.7 / 222,857人    113分鐘

導演: 魯賓弗來舍
編劇: 威爾比爾
演員: 雷恩葛斯林 艾瑪史東 西恩潘 喬許布洛林 尼克諾特


2013-07-25 07:42:20

Gangster Squad

The postwar period is perhaps the most interesting period of history in America, so any film with this setting automatically catches my attention. Thus to me, the setting of Gangster Squad is intriguing and it doesn't disappoint with the music and sets. Mickey Cohen, arguably the most notorious character in LA history is played magnificently by Sean Penn. However the movie is built on a script that lacks emotional attachment. While it attempts to accomplish this with the death of squad members, it fails to establish a bond between the audience and the character to make the attempt successful. The editing, particularly at the beginning is also unnatural that takes credit away from the movie. At the end of the day, it's the story that should be the gist of any movie, and Gangster Squad needs a better one.