永不妥協--Erin Brockovich


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導演: 史蒂芬索德柏
編劇: 蘇珊娜葛蘭特
演員: 茱莉亞羅勃茲 大衛布瑞 Dawn Didawick 亞伯芬尼 Valente Rodriguez


2013-06-29 01:17:53


藉著上個月去紐約與一家著名律所交流培訓的機會,我向他們詢問了關於Erin Brockovich——這個在電影《永不妥協》中幾乎被茱莉亞羅伯茨神化了的人物,在紐約律師界看來:(1)這個女人確實很著名,但不至於全民皆知,由於她更多活動在美國西岸,東部的業內人士跟她不太熟~;(2)在美國,還有很多類似的民眾告大公司的官司也很令人振奮;(3)現在的Erin依然活躍在法律界,並身體力行很多公益活動,以及出版書籍等。

另外,轉載影片女主原型Erin Brockovich在其個人網站中對這部奧斯卡電影的評論,有4個方面的重點可以確認:1、她承認她本人就是穿的像電影裡一樣性感;2、電影裡98%的成份和真實事件都是一致的;3、電影中造成污染至人傷亡的惡棍公司PG&E的所作所為確實如此。4、那麼由於時間的關係呢~,她那三個可愛的孩子今年(2013年)已經30、28、22歲了!

PS:大家大概都知道了吧,電影中,拮據的朱莉亞羅伯茨帶著三個孩子去飯店吃飯那一幕,女服務員的角色就是真的Erin Brockovich客串玩票出演的,能看得出,本尊的漂亮程度不亞於朱莉亞羅伯茨。

摘錄她評論電影原文如下:People ask me all the time, is the movie true and accurate? YES, the movie was true and probably 98% accurate. They took very few creative licenses.
Yes, I did dress that way. I was actually taken back by the response of many people regarding my wardrobe. I just dressed that way because it was fun and I liked it. I was taught never to judge a book by its cover. My clothing was nothing more than a cover and I have never thought that anyone was smart or stupid or anything else by the way they chose to dress.

Yes, I had a potty mouth in the movie and I still do.

On a couple of occasions I have caught the headline that I am a trash talking crusader. If you are referring to my potty mouth then I am the trash talker. No, I am not trash from the other side of the tracks. I come from quite an educated family. My dad is an industrial engineer and my mom is an English major specializing in journalism.

Yes, I was a three time divorcee with three children.So what ?.People don』t realize that I started my work in the Hinkley case in 1991 when Elizabeth was only one year old. Katie was then six years old and Matthew was seven years old.

The Hinkley case settled in 1996 and I was approached about the movie and giving up my rights in 1995. It wasn』t until late 1997 or 1998 that they really started gearing up for the movie, finding writer Susannah Grant and the director 史蒂夫n Soderberg and eventually 茱莉亞 Roberts. The movie came out in May of 2000 and the kids were then 17, 16 and 9. 12 years have now passed since the first film and the kids are now 30, 28 and 22. I could not be prouder.

What PG&E did was real. Don』t be fooled by other things that you have read. As early as 1965 this company knew that the facility in Hinkley, California was contaminating the ground water with high levels of hexavalent chromium and they chose to cover it up.