愛‧重來--The Vow


6.8 / 205,106人    104分鐘

導演: 麥可蘇克西
編劇: 艾比康
演員: 瑞秋麥亞當斯 查寧泰坦 史考特史畢曼 山姆尼爾


2013-06-25 06:23:18

"I'm not the old me, I'm just me."

"It doesn't matter how you get knocked down in life because that's going to happen. All that matters is you gotta get up."
---Ben Affleck (on winning the Oscars for Argo).

There is just a point in one's life when one realize that she is not the person that she though she is, but a product of other's criticism and opinions. She is not happy...soon she realize she does not know who she really is. She is on a quest to find out...and she realize she will not able to find herself if she is around people who purposely prevent that from happening, these selfish, pathetic people who finds pleasure in ruining a pure, promising soul. So she learned to ignore them and starts to listen to her own voice, purposely questioning and examining her thoughts and actions, are these really from her or from what's expected of her? She finds out what ever makes her happy is from the real her, and nothing else matters. She is no longer afraid of coming out of the shadow of others' expectations. Soon she found out her real-self is not half bad as compare to her "pseudo" self, but actually infinity times better, she is beginning to understand her purpose in life and gained back the confidence that was missing from her life that was rightfully belonged to her for so long.

To people who are still in the shadows, take an advice from someone who's been there and out. It's really infinity times better to come out to the light and just be yourself. And DREAM, dream big, but dream precisely and realistically, and work towards them, work hard and smart until you have achieve them, then, repeat the process.
