愛,穹蒼--To the Wonder


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導演: 泰倫馬力克
編劇: 泰倫馬力克
演員: 班艾佛列克 歐嘉‧柯瑞蘭寇 瑞秋麥亞當斯 哈維爾巴登


2013-04-19 00:53:16

commit yourself,never hesitate

man is in revolt against god.
the prophet Hosea saw in the break down of his marriage
the spiritual infidelity of his people.
in that broken marriage,we see the pattern of our world
we wish to live inside the safety of the laws.
we fear to choose.
Jesus insists on choice.
the one thing he condemns utterly is avoiding the choice
to choose is to commit yourself.
and to commit yourself is to run the risk,is to run the risk of failure.
the risk of sin,the risk of betrayal.
but Jesus can deal with all of those.
forgiveness he never denies us.
the man who makes a mistake can repent.
but the man who hesitates,who does nothing,
who buries his talent in the earth with him.
he can do nothing.