

2013-03-25 20:37:35





     「It has been said that something as small as the flutter of a butterfly’s wing can ultimately cause a typhoon halfway around the world. -Chaos Theory 這是混沌理論中最通俗、也最為人所知的表達了,「蝴蝶效應」的提法最初出自1972年美國麻省理工學院教授、混沌學開創人之一E.N.洛倫茲在美國科學發展學會第139次會議上的論文:「巴西叢林一隻蝴蝶偶然扇動翅膀,可能會在美國德克薩斯州掀起一場龍捲風」。一個混沌系統是無法預言、操縱和控制的,而且對於系統的初始條件具有極端敏感的依賴性,在系統初始任何一點點細微的改變,都會在系統後期發生翻天覆地的變化……混沌理論在時空傳送中的應用就是在時間的「過去」作出的一小點改變,都會導致時間的「未來」無可預知的劇變;所以,意圖通過改變過去而影響現在的做法唯一的結果就是——不可預料!因此,對過去選擇的後悔和假設都是無義的,它未必能夠導向優於現在的可能;所以,我們只能(也必須)相信:每一次的選擇都是最好的選擇了!」

     「We can't play God, unless we sacrifice ourselves.
  Who says, anything is better than nothing.
  Who knows, the price of that anything.
  We can't change the past.
  Then how can we change the future?
  Coz what we will have tomorrow, all depends on what happened yesterday.
  I met you, a beautiful and wonderful love started growing in my heart.
  But it hurt you, it hurt everyone I care, it brought only sadness and broken hearts.
  I went to the past, trying every way to work it out.
  And I found, the perfect beginning, for the perfect ending, was that
  I never fell in love with you, you never fell in love with me.
  We said hi, and we said bye, just like we never met before. 」
