虛妄之冠:亨利四世(下)--Henry IV, Part 2


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導演: 李察艾爾
編劇: 李察艾爾 William Shakespeare
演員: Alun Armstrong Will Attenborough Conrad Asquith


2012-11-21 06:39:33


       O sleep,O gentle sleep.Nature 's soft nurse,how have I frighted thee,That thou no more wilt weigh my eyelids down and steep my senses in forgetfulness?Why rather ,sleep,liest thou in smoky cribs,Upon uneasy pallets stretching thee and hushed with buzzing night-flies to thy slumber ,than in the perfumed chambers of the great,under the canopies of costly state,And lulled with sounds of sweetest melody?(睡眠啊,柔和的睡眠啊。大自然的溫情的保姆,我怎樣驚嚇了你,你才不願再替我閉上我的眼皮,把我的感覺沉浸在忘河之中?為什麼睡眠,你寧願棲身在煙燻的茅屋裡,在不舒適的草荐上伸展你的肢體,讓嗡嗡作聲的蚊蟲催著你入夢,卻不願偃息在煙霧氤氳的王侯的深宮之中,在華貴的寶帳之下,讓最甜美的樂聲把你陶醉?)
       O thou dull god ,why liest thou with the vile in loathsome beds and leavest the kingly couch a watch -case or a common 'larum-bell.Wilt thou upon the high and giddy mast seal up the ship-boy's eyes and rock his brains in cradle of the rude imperious surge and in the visitation of the winds who take the ruffian billows by the top,curling their monstrous heads and hanging them with deafening clamour in the slippery clouds,that,with the hurly,death itself awakes(啊,你冥漠的神靈,為什麼你在污穢的床上和下賤的愚民同寢,卻讓國王的臥榻變成一個表盒子或是告變的警鐘?在巍峨高聳驚心眩目的桅杆上,你不是會使年輕的水手閉住他的眼睛嗎,當天風海浪做他的搖籃,那巨大的浪頭被風捲上高高的雲端,發出震耳欲聾的喧聲,即使死神也會被它從睡夢中驚醒的時候。)
       Canst thou,O partial sleep,give thy repose to the wet sea-boy in an hour so rude.And in the calmest and most stillest night with all appliances and means to boot deny it to a king?Then happy low,lie down.Uneasy lies the head that wears a crown.(啊,偏心的睡眠,你能夠在那樣驚險的時候,把安息給予風吹浪打的水手。可是在最寧靜安謐的晚間,最溫暖舒適的環境中,你卻不讓一個國王享受你的厚惠呢?那麼幸福的卑賤者啊,安睡吧。戴王冠的頭是不能安於他的枕席的。   舉報