再造奇蹟--The Magic of Belle Isle


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導演: 羅伯萊納
編劇: Guy Thomas (Ⅰ) 安德魯謝恩曼
演員: 摩根佛里曼 薇吉妮亞麥德森 瑪德琳卡羅


2012-11-09 22:10:57

簡介 & 經典台詞


  《貝拉的魔法》講述一位坐著輪椅的過氣著名作家(摩根·弗里曼 飾)搬到一個農村小鎮,在這裡,他和一位單親媽媽以及她的三個孩子成為了朋友,最終,在他們的幫助下找到了創作的熱情。


The mind is its own place.

Look at the machine. I like you have to write a bit slower on a manual. I like the way it sounds. I like the way the letters bite into the paper. I like that you can feel there's a genuine human being doing the work - hands off.

Real tears are a useful way of getting to a place.

He is just trying to make you a rich son of bitch.
I am already a son of a bitch. And I don't care to be rich, but thanks for thinking of me.

Most times, real life doesn't measure up to waht's in our heads, but every now and then, it comes pretty close.

Never stop looking for what's not there.