戀愛離線中--The Future


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導演: 米蘭達裘麗
編劇: 米蘭達裘麗
演員: 米蘭達裘麗 漢米許林克萊特 大衛華沙斯基


2012-09-06 23:02:38


                     The future

It seems we stood and talked, like this before
We looked at each other in the same way then
But I can』t remember where or when.

The clothes you』re wearing, are the clothes you wore
The smile you』re smiling, you were smiling then
But I can』t remember where or when.

Some things that happened for the first time,seem to be happening again
And so it seems that we』ve met before and laughed before and loved before
But who knows, where or when?

After a long, long time, I give up, not waitting anymore. As it turns out, living is just the beginning, and so the beginning is over. I』m cat of nobody. I』m not even cat. I』m not even I. It’s warm, it’s light, it goes on and on and on and on…

Just one night, and in the morning you go.
And the cat die.



"I know exactly what will happen at 3:15. At 3:15, we aren』t going to get back in bed together, and she isn』t gonna wrap her legs around my legs, and we aren』t gonna fall asleep. And then in the morning, she isn』t gonna say, 『Hi,person.』 And then we aren』t gonna have another day, just a ordinary, boring day. And then we aren』t gonna have kids and then we aren』t gonna grow old together, and then we aren』t gonna looked back our lives because we aren't even gonna know each other."
