

2012-08-02 19:44:19


Kubrick's "Black Square", 20 May 2001

Author: Vadim Bulitko from Edmonton, Alberta
I normally keep my movie thoughts to myself but this movie affected me to the point of voicing myself out.

Movies are typically evaluated via (i) more/less objective attributes (plot, ideas, action, cinematography, etc.) and (ii) emotional impressions they leave. While the latter is extremely personal and diverse, some convergence can be achieved in the former. Unfortunately, this piece greatly fails in it: no plot, no original ideas, no action, horrible cinematography,(P.S.我覺得攝影還是不錯的。) and a very repetitive soundtrack. As far as the emotional impression goes: well, in my case, it gave me a highly unpleasant aftertaste: a very pretentious schizophrenic nightmare...

Why is it so overrated then? I'd hypothesize that it is for the same reason as in the case of Malevich's "Black Square".(百度百科 :http://baike.baidu.com/view/2061889.htm,至上主義名畫《白底上的黑色方塊》) When one sees something a piece of "art" of that type, there seem to be two typical reactions: (i) "There is nothing there, it is junk." and (ii) "There is nothing there but it must be great because everyone else thinks it's great. Then it must be an art." So what created this mob fame effect for this movie? I don't know for sure but it might have been the big names of S.Kubrick and A.Clark. Once such a "snowball" starts rolling down the hill and picks up the momentum, it is more difficult to stop it than to roll with it.

Please trust your own independent feelings. Things don't become better because a million of other people say they are brilliant. Cheers.


我對豆瓣Top250裡的好多片子都有這個感覺,我覺得巨爛,但是豆瓣得分真的很高。例如:秋日傳奇(Falls of legends),超脫 / Detachment,王家衛電影,老男孩(韓國)。但是都沒有這個牛逼。這部電影裡大段大段的黑屏讓我以為我電腦壞了。慢慢悠悠的節奏讓我睡過去兩回,不得不分兩天看完。影片裡面的哲學意味我真沒看出來,就像我對抽象藝術畫完全不明白一樣。(參見北京798裡面的眾多小店。)所以對於我,這就是爛片一部,浪費時間。