畢業生行不行--The Post Grad Survival Guide


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導演: 維基傑森
編劇: 凱莉佛萊蒙
演員: 艾麗絲布莉達 查克吉爾福德 米高基頓 珍林區 Bobby Coleman


2012-07-07 01:31:04


Well, you know,ever since you were a little kid you always seemed to have it figured out. You know you have good grades,you kept your room neat and clean,you ate your vegetables. Can I be honest with you? I always find it a little troubling. Because ,see, honey,the world is a screwy place. It doesn't rule by the rules. So if you are asking me do I thing it's a good idea for you to quit your job,leave behind the only family you have and travel 3000 miles to a place you have never been before I think it's the most kick-ass idea you have ever had. Cause I think no matter where you are,you are gonna knock'em dead.   舉報