

2012-06-16 04:00:45

Life is very very confusing.

We are all the same. We all feel pain. And we all have chaos in our lives. Life is very very confusing, I know. I don't have the answers, but I know if you write it out, it'll all be okay.

And never have I felt so deeply at one and the same time so detached from myself and so present in the world.----Albert Camus.

Most of the teachers here, that one point, they believed, they could make a difference. I know how important it is, after guidance and to have someone help you to understand the complexities of the world that we're living. I didn't really have that ... growing up.

I am money. I change hands like a dollar bill that's been robbed by a lamb. And a genius appeared and cried loudly with volume, but the tears were of myself, and that's where all went wrong.

Whatever is on my mind, I say it as I feel it. I'm truthful to myself. I am young, and I am old and I am bored up to my soul. So many times.

I am out of faces and I am gone. I am just like you.

I don't wanna talk about the past. You and I remember it very differently.

You don't need to promise me. Don't promise me. Whatever it is, you feel you need to do, you do it. But you don't do it here, okay?

There should be a prerequisite curriculum for being a parent, before the people attempt.

Ubiquitous Assimilation: Always absorb everything everywhere all the time.
How are you to imagine anything? If the images are always provided for you.

Doublethink: to deliberately believe in lies while knowing their false. Examples of this in everyday life. I need to be pretty to be happy. I need surgery to be pretty. I need to be thin, famous, fashionable.

Our young men today are being told that women are whores, bitches; things to be screwed, beaten, shit on, ashamed. This is a marketing holocaust, 24 hours a day, for the rest of our lives, the power that be, are harder at work, dumbing us to death. So ,to defend ourselves, and fight against the stimulating of this dumbs into our thought processes, we must learn to read, to stimulate our imaginations, to cultivate our own consciousness, our own belief systems. We all need these skills, to defend, to preserve our minds.

We all have problems. We all have things we are dealing with right now. And we all take them home with us at night, take them to work with us in the morning. I think that helplessness, that realization that for boating off, being a drift in the sea, it's no buoies, no safety then. When you thought you will be the one throwing the buoy.

"You alright?"
"What? You see me? You see me standing here?"
"Yeah. I see you here."
"Oh God, it's so relentless. Thank you."

Have you ever had it enough.. have you ever just want to tell someone to fuck off. I mean the whole thing is fucked. whole thing is fucked, is it not?
[你有過受夠了的感覺嗎.. 你曾經只想告訴別人滾遠點兒。我是說所有的事都他媽沒意義,所有一切都沒意義了,不是嗎?]

The park is now empty and bare,and abandoned. We feel ashamed about it. The jungle jam, the slide and the swing have rusted together. And terribly alone now. Where did all the children go?Didn't they know that the park needed them? The child's intelligent heart can flatten the depth for many dark places. I cannot find them - the delicate moment of its own detachment.

I wish things were different. I tried, you know, fucked up thing is ... we all..we all have problems with all the things we dealing with. Some days would better than others. Some days we're not so great. Some days we have a limited space for others.

Some of us believe that we can make a difference. And then sometimes we wake up, and we realize we failed.

We all need something to distract us from the complexity and reality. More or less to think about where they came from. More or less to think about the struggle that it takes to become somebody to get out of...to get out of the sea of pain that we all have to get out of it.

We have such a responsibility to guide our young so that they don't end up falling apart, falling by the way side, becoming insignificant.

I『m a nonperson. You shouldn't be here. I'm not here. you may see me, but I'm hollow.

Failing. We're failing. Failed and a sense that means, I have let everyone down, including ourselves.

How many of you have ever felt the weight pressing down on you? I have.

During the whole of a dull,dark soundless day
In the autumn of that year, when the clouds hung oppressively low in heaven
I had been passing alone on the horse's back
Through the singularly dreary tract in the country
And at length found myself, as the shades of the evening drew on
Within the view of melancholy House of Usher
I know not how it was
But with the first glimpse of the building,
a sense of insufferable gloom pervaded my spirit
I looked upon some blank scape for domain
Upon the bleak walls, upon the white trunks of decayed trees
With the utter depression souls
There was an iciness
A sinking
A sickening of the heart.