遇見莫妮卡--Meet Monica Velour


5.8 / 2,532人    96分鐘 | USA:98分鐘

導演: Keith Bearden
編劇: Keith Bearden
演員: 金凱特羅 Dustin Ingram 布萊思丹尼希 Keith David Jee Young Han


2012-01-19 21:56:40




「Meet Monica Velour」 has all the makings of a '80s teen-sex romp -- a crazy car, some wacky characters, a road trip and a geeky virgin tracking down the porn star of his fantasies. Throw in some Wayfarers, a Simple Minds soundtrack and it’s ready for heavy rotation on Cinemax, circa 1984. But what director Keith Bearden has delivered with his first feature is sure to be a favorite at Tribeca.

Unbearably introverted and dorky, 17-year-old Tobe (Dustin Ingram) is a young man born in the wrong time. He’s a fan of '30s music, '70s movies and '80s soft-core porn – specifically the films of that era’s greatest star, Monica Velour (Kim Cattrall). When Tobe learns she is appearing at a strip club in Indiana he seizes the opportunity to meet the deity of his desires.

Driving the weinermobile (think ice-cream truck with a giant hot-dog on top) his grandfather (Brian Dennehy) bequeathed to him as a graduation present, Tobe sets out on an journey that leads him into Monica’s life, but he quickly discovers it’s far from the apex of success she once had.

The plot sounds eye-rollingly cheesy, however, beneath this exterior lies a wonderfully inventive, touching and very hilarious film that no doubt will find a loyal audience. The cast is stellar from top to bottom. Ingram skillfully pulls off the naïve, mouth-breathing, nerd extraordinaire Tobe, resisting the easy over-the-top route.

The supporting characters, from Dennehy as the cantankerous grandfather to the pop art-collecting mentor Claude (Keith David), solidify an already smart and original script.

But it is Cattrall who is the heart of this film, delivering a performance that registers a sincerity and depth we have not seen from her up to this point. All the notes Cattrall hits as this weary and worn woman ring true.

With plenty of laughs, quite a bit of brains and a strong cast, 「Meet Monica Velour」 will not have difficulty finding an appreciative audience.


剛看到電影的中文名字和宣傳海報時,我以為又是一部urban comedy,因為KIM在慾望都市裡的表演台出色了,

看到後來才知道,the film is higher than my expectation。17歲的高中生TOBE喜歡30年代的音樂,70年代的電影,還有80年代紅極一時的porn star monica(別問我什麼事porn,自己查去),當他看到MONICA將在CLUB做STRIP DANCE的消息時,決定前往路易西安納州看她,順便賣掉他的舊卡車。MONICA的出場時我玩玩沒有想到的,當curtain起來的時候,當人們期待一個艷星驚艷出場時,一個49歲的中年大媽出場了。酒吧裡的DUDES都在嘲笑她時,唯有TOBE在欣賞著,因為她是他的fantasy。TOBE之後發現,MONICA生活是多麼的窘迫:無法MEET HER BELLY FULL,CAN'T RAISE HER CHILD,甚至受到了歧視。然而在TOBE眼裡,MONICA的一切都那麼美好,他決定幫助她的生活走上正軌,然而MONICA確認為他只是一個KID,一切純屬胡鬧~當MONICA發現TOBE把賣掉的卡車錢留給了自己並看了那本相簿之後,感動溢於言表(這個詞好俗)。TOBE回到家中後,與自己喜歡的AMANDA成了朋友,而MONICA也贏得了女兒的撫養權~



首先是30年代的音樂。熟悉美國流行樂的人都知道,30年代是JAZZ爆發的時期,也是開啟搖滾時代的時期(別問我什麼事搖滾時期,你聽的什麼LINKIN PARK只是一個TINY PIECE)那個時代的音樂是現代一流美國流行樂的root。 其次,當TOBE遇到車主時,發現他收集了很多舊物,買主說了這麼一句話:junk is american culture, america is like a teenage full of 荷爾蒙。的確,美國是沒有什麼歷史的,所以它的文化本質就是大融合,也就是JUNK,簡單地說,你聽到的什麼garage 之類的就是基於美國JUNK文化根源的。 再次,我們都知道美國是產PORN大國,所以把故事放在這樣一個大環境下,再美國不過了。


就我的觀點來看,這部電影的藝術水平應該和brokenback mountain接近,肯定是在the kid are alright之上的。單就KIM的演技來說,就把電影往深度進行了拓展。一個過氣的PORN STAR+單親媽媽,她的人生是不是應該一團糟?然而當她用她的人生經歷觸碰TOBE的人生經歷時,撞出了許多火花,或許有時候太現實往往並不能讓自己擺脫。我還喜歡49歲女人和17歲男孩的友誼,你或許認為那是畸形的,但這正是電影的精髓所在,如果是一對年輕男女,那就是爛大街的片了。


這一點不好說,說出來就俗了,無非是夢想很美好,現實很骨感。 但如果你看了電影,相信我,你找不到艷遇去表達。。。
