最狂野的夢--The Wildest Dream


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導演: Anthony Geffen
編劇: Mark Halliley
演員: 雷夫范恩斯 Leo Houlding 連恩尼遜 娜塔莎李察遜 艾倫瑞克曼


2011-12-04 23:58:39

It's there!

This weekend has awlays felt touched, by different stories, the antarctica and the Everest. Of course, most important is the human inside.
I say it's the inner peace and belief that makes people to pursue different things, crazys and adventures.
I like words here.
Because it's there.
It is so right in our life, whatever you do, life is there, your dream is there!
I want to stand on the top of the world.
Yes, on the top of the world and see everything. I did hear the echos.and i like it so much.
the belief, the inner belief, is the most important things that push you. so got a dream, a belief
to be honest, for most people, Everest is too dreamy ,the cold, the dead zone, many things, to difficult for usual people to realize.
While, whatever, the dream is always there, and everest is there!   舉報